AKP sheds crocodile tears on Palestine while supporting genocide against Kurds

DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said that the AKP and its partners are shedding crocodile tears over Palestine, while practicing the same violence against the people of N.Kurdistan, stressing continued struggle against appointment of trustees.

AKP sheds crocodile tears on Palestine while supporting genocide against Kurds
12 June 2024   11:35

During the party group meeting in the Turkish Parliament, the Co-Chair of DEM Party, Tülay Hatimoğulları spoke about the popular protests in Colemêrg and the proxy policies practiced by the Turkish authorities.

Hatimoğulları said at the meeting: “This practice tells the Kurdish people that ‘You do not have the right to elect and be elected, you are not full citizens of this country’ they are telling the Kurds, the people and democratic forces in solidarity with them: ‘You are a national security problem’, they are saying this to millions of people. However, when they come out they say: “We are equal and we are brothers and sisters of the Kurdish people,” but now we are very tired of this deception, this must end now.”

Hatimoğulları added “The people rose from Colemêrg to Istanbul, with their young and old, with their wives and children. Everyone has the will of the people of Colemêrg."

She showed a photo of the police and military deployment in the province and said: “This is what it looks like in front of the governor's office. They say, ‘we are against the military junta’, but look, the military is here. The political coup they carried out in Colemêrg was accompanied by the military. In this photograph is the signature of the AKP, which was supposedly victimised by the military junta regime. This picture will not be forgotten.”

Hatimoğulları stated: "Erdogan says the decision of the judiciary should not worry anyone, why are you worried about the Kurdish people's election decision on 31 March? Come out and explain it to the Turkish public. Explain what is behind the appointment of a trustee.”

Hatimoğulları described the Turkish authorities’ takeover of the municipality of Colemêrg by appointing its trustee as “gang activities”

In response to the accusations directed at the Party of nominating people with files, she said, "The files are just a pretext. Look; our comrade, Mehmet Sıddık Akış, was still under surveillance and a trustee was appointed in his place. His case is not over yet."

Last week, the First Penal Court in Colemêrg issued a 19-year and 6-month prison sentence against the Co-Chair of the municipality of Colemêrg, Mehmet Sıddık Akış

DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları stressed that the approach followed by Erdogan and his entourage by saying: “Those who make mistakes will badly end . This world has witnessed many kings, sultans and pharaohs, but all of them were defeated before humanity. You are also doomed to defeat.
