Journalist Suleiman Ahmed: 223 days in KDP Jails

The Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities continue to detain journalist Suleiman Ahmed for 223 days, while his lawyers managed to meet him after 212 days.

Journalist Suleiman Ahmed: 223 days in KDP Jails
3 June 2024   09:35

The editor of the Arabic section at Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed  was kidnapped by KDP-affiliated forces at the Sêmalka Border Gate while returning from Aleppo to South Kurdistan on 25 October 2023.

The Asayish forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Dohuk claimed in a statement full of contradictions and lies that his kidnapping was “not related to his journalistic work but to punish him publicly.

The lawyer Beşdar Hasan was allowed to meet him in Asayish prison in Dohuk, on May 22, under pressure from journalists, press unions, and local and international organizations.

"We were able to see journalist Suleiman Ahmed in a room. During the meeting, Ahmed conveyed his special greetings to everyone who made an effort for him, especially Rojnews journalists. Ahmed also expressed his gratitude to all organizations, journalists, unions and patriots who participated in the freedom campaign carried out for him. We were very happy to see that he was healthy. He stated that his only request was to continue public pressure until he was released." Beşdar Hasan told Roj News Agency. The Lawyer said that they will continue their efforts to present Suleiman Ahmed file to the court and he will be released immediately after his trial, not a single piece of evidence has been produced regarding the alleged crime during the interrogation process, it was revealed that he went to Rojava officially and returned to South Kurdistan. It has also been officially documented that he has a residence permit in the Kurdistan Region."
