In spirit of prison resistance, we will triumph, achieve leader’s physical freedom

Residents of Çil Agha city in Jazera Canton expressed their support and solidarity with the freedom fighters in Turkish prisons, affirming that "just as the spirit of the July 14, 1982 resistance saved the Kurds from attempts of extermination, the torch of resistance will shine with the same slogan against injustice and tyranny and will triumph in achieving the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan."

In spirit of prison resistance, we will triumph, achieve leader’s physical freedom
In spirit of prison resistance, we will triumph, achieve leader’s physical freedom
In spirit of prison resistance, we will triumph, achieve leader’s physical freedom
In spirit of prison resistance, we will triumph, achieve leader’s physical freedom
29 June 2024   03:10
Basna Shamo

 Freedom fighters in Turkish prisons continue their resistance on day 216, under the slogan "Live the Same Conditions with Our Leader," as part of the global campaign demanding the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan. They have been on hunger strike since November 27, 2023, on the anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement.

Residents of Çil Agha city in Jazera  Canton expressed their support and solidarity with this resistance. Citizen Mohammed Sharqi stated, "The prison resistance under the slogan 'live the same conditions with the leader' is an extension of the July 14, 1982 resistance led by movement leaders Kemal Pir, Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Mazlum Doğan, Akif Yilmaz, and Ali Çiçek, who declared that resistance is life, surrender is humiliation, and submission to the practices of the Turkish occupation state is disgrace. With this spirit, they fought until their last breath, and today, with the same spirit, freedom fighters in Turkish prisons resist to achieve the physical freedom of the leader."

He added, "We support and endorse this historical resistance, which constitutes one of the strongest responses against the practices of the Turkish authorities and their attempts to undermine the will and determination of these freedom fighters, activists, and peoples yearning for freedom, by intensifying the isolation of Leader Abdullah Ocalan. We believe that the prison resistance will prevail and thwart all schemes targeting the Leader himself.”

Mohammed affirmed, "We will not rest until we liberate our leader, and the resistance will continue, whether in prisons, on mountain peaks, or in the fronts of struggle and resistance."

For her part, citizen Fatima Suleiman said, "The historic resistance of freedom fighters in Turkish occupation prisons is blessed and will achieve victory because it aims to achieve the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan."

She continued, "Despite the harsh prison conditions, they have sent a message to enemies that no one can separate them from their leader, and they will achieve his physical freedom, remaining steadfast on their path until their last breath. Just as the spirit of the July 14, 1982 resistance saved the Kurds from attempts of extermination, the torch of resistance will shine with the same slogan against injustice and tyranny."

She added, "We, the people of Çil Agha, will remain supporters of this immense resistance against all forms of injustice, and with the spirit of prison resistance, we will achieve the physical freedom of the leader."

Citizen Ala'a Al-Miyah said, "We support the heroic resistance of freedom fighters in Turkish occupation prisons, who resist prison conditions and isolation for Leader Abdullah Ocalan, challenging all conditions and declaring that no one can separate us from the leader's ideology and philosophy."

He affirmed, "Following in the footsteps of these freedom fighters, we will intensify our struggle, and we will not rest until we achieve the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan."

It should be noted that the hunger strike (death fast) in Amed Prison on July 14, 1982, led by Kamal Pir, Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Akif Yılmaz, and Ali Çiçek, were among the prominent hunger strikes witnessed by the Turkish state for the sake of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, shaking its foundations. Additionally, the hunger strike in 2000, which led to the martyrdom of many detainees, as well as the strike initiated by People's Democratic Party deputy Leyla Güven on November 8, 2018, lasting 180 days to demand the lifting of the ban on Leader Ocalan, ending with the leader's meeting. This was followed by the ongoing resistance of freedom fighters and activists starting November 27, 2023, as part of the global campaign demanding the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and a political solution to the Kurdish issue by Kurdish friends in Europe.
