Hawar News Agency plan for June 29, 2024

Hawar News Agency plan for June 29, 2024
29 June 2024   02:00

The residents of Çil Agha in Jazera Canton expressed their support for the resistance of freedom fighters in Turkish prisons. They affirmed, "Just as the spirit of the July 14, 1982 resistance saved the Kurds from attempts of extermination, the flame of resistance will shine again under the same slogan against injustice and tyranny, achieving the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan." (Photos and videos attached)

"You cannot execute an entire people", these were the last words spoken by Sheikh Said Piran after dramatic events that unfolded over nearly four months of the Kurdish uprising in Northern Kurdistan in 1925.

Ismail drives his old cart through the bustling city, loaded with nature's treasures. He spreads the fragrance of flowers through alleys and squares, moving with measured steps and announcing his plants in a melodious voice reminiscent of the tunes of the oud. (Photos and videos attached)

 An Iraqi professor stated that both the United States and Russia are seeking to impose dominance. One side exploited circumstances to impose unipolarity and hegemony, while the other is striving to utilize international changes to achieve multipolarity and engage in the struggle for influence.

The Union of Intellectuals in Hasaka is organizing a lecture titled "Revolutions as the Heritage of People's Struggles," presented by writer Abdul Wahab Piranî. This event marks the 99th anniversary of Sheikh Said Piranî's revolution and will take place at the Reading Garden in Hasaka at 19:00. (Photos and videos attached)
