Hawar news agency plan ANHA 30-7-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 30-7-2024
30 July 2024   02:00

The Abdullah Ocalan Academy for Social Sciences published an article entitled "Towards a New Cultural Era", which focuses on the repercussions of the crises of class systems and the state, in addition to the intellectual crises of our day. The article discusses the solution to these crises and its relationship to the approach of democratic civilization (attached with pictures).

The people of Raqqa canton stressed the escalation of the struggle and the continuation of organizing events demanding the freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and participating in them until the isolation policies pursued against the leader are thwarted (attached with pictures and video).

The co-presidency of the Democratic Union Party in Tal-Abyed called for taking a strong and tangible position against the treason that the Turkish state is exploiting to carry out genocide against the Kurds in Southern Kurdistan (attached with pictures and video).

Syrian politician Salman Shabib confirmed that the path of rapprochement between Damascus and Ankara is awaiting a maze of details and obstacles, but the issue of overcoming that is related to the power of influence of mediators, especially Russia. He noted that Erdogan's enthusiasm for this rapprochement is backed by malicious intentions and a hidden mine, represented by an attempt to provoke a clash between Damascus and the Syrian Democratic Forces, which threatens the existence and entity of the Syrian state and the Syrian homeland (attached with photos).

The Martyrs' Families Council in the city of Tirbespiyê commemorates 45 martyrs from the months of June and July, in the hall of the Democratic Union Party office, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Syrian Women's Council organizes a lecture entitled "The Role of Young Women in Reducing Societal Pests" at the Syrian Women's Council Center in the city of Raqqa, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Women's Media Union (YRJ) and the Free Media Union are holding a denunciation event against the Iranian authorities' decision to execute activist and journalist Bakhshan Azizi, and the verdict issued by the Hewler Court in Southern Kurdistan against journalist Suleiman Ahmed to 3 years in prison, in the Reading Garden in Qamishlo, at 11:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Afrin Social Association is making a statement about the crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in occupied Afrin, in al-Naeem roundabout in Raqqa, at 12:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Relations Office of the Syrian Democratic Council and the Kurdistan Renewal Movement is holding a dialogue seminar entitled "Ways to Develop Work between the SDC and Political Parties" to discuss the SDC's political document and roadmap, in the building of the Syrian Democratic Council in the city of al-Hasakah, at 18:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Mezpotamia Movement for Democratic Culture and Art is organizing an event under the slogan of the global campaign, “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the solution to the Kurdish issue,” at the Siran Hall in Amuda, in the Jazira Canton, at 19.00 (attached with photos and video).