Calls to stop the treachery exploited by Turkey to commit genocide

The co-chairmanship of the Democratic Union Party in Girê Spî/ Tal Abyed called for a strong and concrete stance against the treachery exploited by the Turkish state to carry out genocide against the Kurds in Southern Kurdistan.

Calls to stop the treachery exploited by Turkey to commit genocide
30 July 2024   04:40

The attacks launched on Southern Kurdistan by the Turkish occupation army, in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), are escalating on a daily basis. In this context, the co-chairmanship of the Democratic Union Party in Girê Spî called for a strong stance against the treachery exploited by the Turkish state to carry out genocide against the Kurds.

 Sabri Nebo, co-chairmanship of the Democratic Union Party in Girê Spî, condemned the cooperation of the KDP with the genocidal policies pursued by the occupying Turkish state towards the Kurds.

 Nebo praised the resistance of the People's Defense Forces and the Free Women's Units - Star, in confronting the policies of genocide and Turkish incursion into the lands of southern Kurdistan. He called on the peoples of Kurdistan to increase the pace of struggle and resistance against the occupier, in addition to thwarting the plots of conspiracy and treason pursued by the KDP.

 He also called on the Baghdad government to take a stand that would stop the Turkish violations of its territorial sovereignty and stop the encroachments in this context.

 In her turn, Berivan Ismail, co-chairmanship of the Democratic Union Party in Girê Spî,, said, The Turkish occupier benefits from the treason and betrayal of the KDP as a tool to implement its occupation plans and to besiege the areas of the North and East of Syria region to obstruct the spread of the democratic project that is being implemented in the region, and which calls for dialogue and a solution between all Syrians, men and women.

 Ismail warned the people of Southern Kurdistan, addressing them in her speech, The Turkish occupation and the KDP are seeking to occupy and change the demography of the region by sending ISIS/ Daesh mercenaries, as the occupation and its mercenaries did in the occupied Syrian regions. You must realize the dangers of these plans and confront them.

 She praised the resistance of the guerrilla forces, describing them as the forces defending all peoples against the Turkish destruction machine, and called for standing with this heroic and courageous resistance until the last breath.

 In conclusion, she condemned the betrayal of the KDP and its dependence on the Turkish occupier, calling for struggle and resistance until achieving victory and thwarting the occupier's plans.

T/ Satt.