Metro Center condemns Duhok Court's ruling against journalist Suleiman Ahmed

The Metro Center for Freedom of the Press expressed its dissatisfaction with the ruling issued today by the Duhok Court to imprison journalist Suleiman Ahmed for three years, stressing that the ruling is unfair and that the trial procedures were not fair. The center called for the ruling to be annulled and for a retrial to be held in accordance with the standards of justice.

Metro Center condemns Duhok Court's ruling against journalist Suleiman Ahmed
29 July 2024   21:53

The Metro Center for Freedom of the Press issued a statement expressing its dissatisfaction with the ruling issued today by the Duhok Court in Southern Kurdistan to imprison journalist Suleiman Ahmed for three years, stressing that the ruling is unfair and that the trial procedures did not take into account the conditions of justice. The center called for the ruling to be annulled and for a retrial to be held.

The center reported that the trial session held today in the Duhok Court ended with a three-year prison sentence for Suleiman Ahmed on charges of belonging to the "Democratic Union Party", and the center indicated that Suleiman Ahmed was arrested on October 25, 2023, and since then he has faced many pressures and unfair procedures.

The center explained in its statement that Suleiman Ahmed should have been tried in accordance with the Press Law No. 35 of 2007, which guarantees the rights of journalists and protects them from unjustified prosecution. It stressed that the defense team was not given sufficient opportunity to meet with Suleiman Ahmed or provide an appropriate defense for him.

The statement indicated that the court’s decision today was unfair, as the necessary conditions for a fair trial were not provided. The center called for the ruling against Suleiman Ahmed to be overturned and for him to be retried in a manner that guarantees his legal and human rights.

The Metro Center also called on the judicial authorities not to use the courts as a tool to pressure journalists and human rights activists, stressing the need to respect freedom of the press and expression at all times. It called on the international community and human rights organizations to monitor the case and pressure for justice for Suleiman Ahmed.

T/ Satt.