Hawar News Agency Plan 7-2024

Hawar News Agency Plan 7-2024
14 July 2024   02:00

A number of women in Kobani and the city of Sirin emphasized the ongoing struggle to achieve leader Ocalan physical freedom, “Because the leader freed women from genocide, women must also fight for his physical freedom. (attached with pictures and video).

Syrian political activists from Idlib believe that there is not much time left for the Syrian parties in areas occupied by Turkey, before it commits another betrayal of the aspirations of the Syrian people. They stressed that the initiative of the Autonomous Administration to resolve the country's crisis is the best option to save the Syrians from the severe conflict.(attached with pictures).

The Directorate of Agriculture began distributing diesel to the summer crop farmers, it stated the reason of the delay is shortage of incoming from the "diesel", after targeting vital facilities by the Turkish occupation (attached with pictures and video).

The Council of Families of Martyrs in al-Jazera Canton organizes its sixth conference under the slogan " We will raise the pace of the revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the leader Apo physically and the protection of the revolution's gains, in the Surbad Hall in the city of Hasaka, at 09:00 (attached with pictures and video).

The Body of Social Affairs in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of NE is holding its semi -annual meeting, in the city of Raqqa, at 10:00 (attached to pictures and videos).

In memory of the resistance of July 14, a series of events in is organized in the Cantons of Afrin and Shahba by the Council of Families of the Martyrs and the Star Conference in the Surdam Hall, at 10:00. An event in Tal Hamis at 10:00, in Amuda the Kongra Star organizes a public meeting, at 10:00. In the town of Rumailan, a memorial event at the Aram Decran Center for Culture is organized, at 10:00, While the people of Ain Issa city held a rally in front of the Great Mosque at 11:00, and in the city of Tribespiya, the city council organizes a meeting for the people, at 12:00 (attached with pictures and videos).

In the continuation of the activities, a public meeting will be held in the Euphrates Canton in the center of Khadhu Culture at 18:00. In Raqqa an event will be held on Al Taaj Hall at 19:00. In addition to a march of the youth in the city of Girkê Legê, at 19:00, as well as the summer art school will display a movie about the resistance of July 14, at the Mohamed Sheikho Center for Culture and Art, at 19:00 (attached to pictures and video).