Arab, Kurdish Women: Physical freedom of leader Ocalan must be achieved

A number of women in Kobani and the city of Sirin emphasized the ongoing struggle to achieve leader Ocalan physical freedom, “Because the leader freed women from genocide, women must also fight for his physical freedom.”

Arab, Kurdish Women: Physical freedom of leader Ocalan must be achieved
14 July 2024   03:31

The women of Kobani and Sirin confirmed that they will continue to participate in the rallies until achievement leade physical freedom.

Peyman Alloush, the member of the Kongra Star in the Euphrates Canton, said that the philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan helped woman to know their rights and freedom.

Alloush stated that Kurdish and Arab women and women around the world will continue to struggle for the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Alloush pointed out that women in NE Syria have organized themselves according to the thought of leader Abdullah Ocalan. She concluded her speech by saying that women got the strength from the struggle of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Member of the People's Municipality in the city of Sirin, Nisreen Sheikh Kyar, said that the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan is inconsistent with the laws of humanity.

 “We have not received any information about our leader for 4 years. Furthermore, The European Committee against Torture  colludes with the Turkish occupation state regarding the leader situation in Imrali prison” Nisreen Sheikh added.

Sheikh drew attention to the global campaign for the leader’s physical freedom, and said: “We, Kurdish and Arab women, and women of all other nations will struggle  to achieve leader physical freedom."

 “We must constantly struggle to achieve leade freedom, no one should remain silent" Sheikh added 

The administrator at Kongra Star in the city of Sirin, Yusra Ibrahim Khalil  stated that the Turkish state is tightening the isolation on the leader Abdullah Ocalan day after day and said: “The Turkish state and its allies imposed isolation on the leader Abdullah Ocalan in order to prevent the spread of the leader’s ideas."

“As women, we will remain in the squares  until achievement the leader Ocalan's physical freedom"  Yusra Ibrahim Khalil said.
