Expert confirms that Turkish occupation attacks will expand to reach Nineveh and Hawler

An expert in security affairs explained that the deployment of the Turkish occupation army in Dohuk is an indication that the attacks and military movements will expand to reach the cities of Nineveh and Hawler.

Expert confirms that Turkish occupation attacks will expand to reach Nineveh and Hawler
14 July 2024   12:53

"The incursion of the Turkish occupation army into southern Kurdistan is a declaration of occupation, and the Turkish military intervention in Iraq, according to international law, is contrary to all international agreements and norms," said Alaa al-Nashwa'a, an expert in Iraqi security affairs.

He told Roj news: "The deployment of Turkish forces in Dohuk province and the carrying out of many military activities, including deployment, inspection, taking positions and controlling vital military sites, indicates that military operations will expand to Ninawa and Hawler provinces."

Al-Nashwa'a stressed that Turkey deals with Iraq in light of a weak political system that has allowed regional and international interventions, which made it persist, especially since it has many interests in the Iraq.

For weeks, the Turkish occupation state has been launching violent attacks against the Medya defense areas and various other areas in S. Kurdistan, and occupied more than 80% of the city of Dohuk, with the participation of the KDP, and the silence of the Iraqi authorities.