Guerilla mothers: Resistance must be escalated in various forms

Mothers of the fighters of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women's Units-Star (YJ-Star) expressed their joy at the victories achieved by their sons against the Turkish occupation army in Southern Kurdistan, and stressed that the Kurds are now fighting an existential war, and that resistance must be escalated in various forms.

Guerilla mothers: Resistance must be escalated in various forms
3 September 2024   04:10

The People's Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women's Units-Star (YJ-Star) are confronting the extensive attacks launched by the Turkish occupation army by land and air on various areas in Southern Kurdistan, with the support and facilitation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) since mid-June.

Mothers of the fighters of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women's Units-Star (YJ-Star), from the city of Qamishlo in the North and East of Syria, confirm that this victory will only be achieved through comprehensive popular resistance, and that what their sons are achieving is evidence of the importance of this resistance in the face of the military arsenal of the occupying Turkish state.

The mother of the martyr Jan Fida, and the fighter in the Free Women's Units - Star Zilan Fida, Bahiya Sabri explained by saying: "Our guerrilla sons are facing multiple forces in the mountains of Kurdistan, namely the Ottoman Turkish state and the forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party."

We are the mothers of these great people

Bahia Sabri praised the resistance of her daughter and her comrades in the People's Defense Forces against the Turkish occupation, and stressed that victory will inevitably be for the resistance fighters. She called on her daughter in the Free Women's Units - Star to teach the soldiers of the Turkish occupation army a harsh lesson and make it an example for others.

Bahia Sabri expressed her happiness and pride in the resistance shown by the People's Defense Forces and the operations they carry out against the Turkish occupation army, and said: "Our hearts are immersed with happiness when we see the operations carried out by the Free Women's Units, and they destroy the strongholds of the occupiers on the front lines. We are the mothers of these great people, the female and male fighters."

Bahia Sabri addressed the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is complicit with the Turkish occupation state: "To the traitors who sell themselves for the lowest prices to the Turkish state to fight against our children, today you are calling on Erdogan to enter southern Kurdistan, in every inch he controls he builds a military barracks, do you have the strength to confront them tomorrow? You cannot, tomorrow you will beg our children to get Erdogan out of there."

We rejoice in the victories achieved by the Kurdistan Freedom Movement

Suad Suleiman, the mother of the martyr Avshin from the Free Women's Units - Star, confirmed that the will of their children in the People's Defense Forces and the Free Women's Units - Star is what achieves the victories, and will lead to the failure of the Turkish plans.

She expressed her full confidence in their ability to face the challenges and achieve victory.

Suad Suleiman said: "Our children in the mountains of Kurdistan are facing the Turkish occupation that attacks with the latest military technology, and despite that, the guerrillas teach them harsh lessons there. Every day, we follow on television the number of occupation soldiers killed, and we rejoice in the victories achieved by the Kurdistan Freedom Movement."

With complete confidence, she indicated that deterring attacks and thwarting the Turkish and Kurdistan Democratic Party plans will be achieved through the combined efforts and unity of hands among the people of the Kurdish community.

Sadiqa Osman, the mother of the People's Defense Forces fighter, the martyr Brusk Qamishlo, described Erdogan as "the charlatan of the era", and explained that the Kurds are now fighting an existential war.

She stressed that the will of the Kurdish peoples alone guarantees their existence, "and resistance must be escalated in various forms." "There is no living example in the world, in any country, of the resistance that the free women fighting in the mountains of Kurdistan are waging.

The resistance that Kurdish women are showing today has become a model to be emulated in women's struggle in general. Their establishment of a special force concerned with protecting women is a blessed act, their struggle and resistance are honorable, and their battle against the enemies will be crowned with victory," said Osman's friend.

T/ Satt.