Afrin IDPs stress struggle to achieve leader Ocalan's physical freedom

Afrin displaced people slammed the isolation on leader Abdullah Ocalan, and stressed the struggle to achieve his physical freedom.

Afrin IDPs stress struggle to achieve leader Ocalan's physical freedom
3 September 2024   03:10

 Speaking to ANHA agency, IDPs from Afrin stressed the ongoing struggle to achieve the physical freedom of the leader Ocalan.

 Aslan Habbo said: "The leader has been detained in Imrali for 25 years, no information has been received about him since March 21, 2021, as the Turkish state and its partners have committed crimes against humanity because of this isolation."

Habbo pointed out the need to increase the pace of the struggle in order to break the isolation.

 "We will never give up the resistance and struggle for the physical freedom of Leader Ocalan" Habbo said.

Khalil Hamo commented on the strict isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan since 1999, saying: "They are trying through this isolation to keep us away from the leader. It is true that the leader is in prison, but his thought and philosophy are widespread throughout the world."

"The reason for  silence international organizations is their fear of brotherhood of people project by leader Ocalan" Hamo added.

 Khalil Hamo concluded his speech by saying: "We will increase the pace of the struggle for the freedom of the leader."

Roshin Khalil, said: "We, as displaced people from Afrin, are ready to do whatever is necessary for the sake of the leader. We will break the isolation with our resistance and struggle.

 While, the citizen Kifah Koto condemned the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and called on everyone to strengthen the struggle to achieve his physical freedom.

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