Hawar News Agency Plan 03 - 09 - 2024

Hawar News Agency Plan 03 - 09 - 2024
3 September 2024   02:00

 Afrin displaced people slammed the isolation on leader Abdullah Ocalan, and stressed the struggle to achieve his physical freedom (Attached with video and photos).

Mothers of the fighters of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women's Units-Star (YJ-Star) expressed their joy at the victories achieved by their sons against the Turkish occupation army in Southern Kurdistan, and stressed that the Kurds are now fighting an existential war, and that resistance must be escalated in various forms (Attached with video and photos).

 The martyr Hani Khalaf Al-Khalaf fled his city of Aleppo for a safe and stable life and found it in a small village in the Al-Jazera Canton that embraced him. However, the Turkish occupation state refused to let the family live in peace (Attached with video and photos).

A popular participatory initiative was launched in the city of Hajin to clean the water channels for agricultural associations and rehabilitate agricultural roads, in preparation for the winter agricultural season. Participants confirmed that the initiative enhances love and cooperation among members of society (Attached with video and photos).

The Rayen basketball team for young women in the city of Darbasiyah aspires to achieve high levels of success in the field of sports in NE Syria (Attached with video and photos).

The Women's Council of the Future Syria Party in Tabqa Canton is organizing a conference under the slogan "Our Struggle is the Women's Revolution and Building a Democratic Syria" at the Culture and Arts Center in the canton, at 09:30 (Attached with video and photos).

The people of Hasaka city are escorting the body of the martyred Syrian Democratic Forces fighter, Alaa Khalaf Breish, to his final resting place in the Martyr Djwar Shrine, at 18:00 (attached with video and photos).