AA of Euphrates: Turkish state negligence caused the fire disaster in N.Kurdistan

The Autonomous Administration of the Euphrates Canton has listed the neglect by the Turkish state of the recent fire in Northern Kurdistan as repressive policies against the Kurdish people.

AA of Euphrates: Turkish state negligence caused the fire disaster in N.Kurdistan
22 June 2024   17:25

In a statement today, the Autonomous Administration of the Euphrates Canton denounced the Turkish state's handling of the massive fire that occurred in the agricultural lands of two districts near the city of Amed last Thursday.

The statement, delivered by the Director of the Bureau of the Executive Council, Najm Muhieddin, in front of the Executive Council building in the city of Kobani, reads as follows:

The disasters continue to affect our Kurdish people in Northern Kurdistan. Following repression and arrests, a series of devastating fires broke out in villages on the sides of Çinar and Şemrex in the states of Mardin and Amed over the past few days. This left behind massive destruction of life, property, and the environment, with more than 10 citizens losing their lives during operations to quell fires with limited resources.

The statement indicated that thousands of hectares of agricultural land were set on fire, hundreds of livestock were lost, and injuries were sustained among villagers.

The statement deplored the Turkish government's failure to take adequate steps to combat and extinguish the fires, despite repeated appeals from the Kurdish local population and human rights and humanitarian organizations.

The statement condemned the Turkish government's lack of effective intervention in extinguishing fires and neglect of the lives and property of our Kurdish people in Northern Kurdistan.

The statement noted that this neglect was part of the repressive policies of the Turkish government against the Kurdish people and appealed to international forces and humanitarian organizations to intervene to stop the repressive practices of the Turkish government.

It called for urgent assistance to those affected by the fires and the rehabilitation of the affected areas.

T/ Satt.