​​​​​​​Kurdistan Renewal Movement: International silence grants Turkey green light to commit its atrocities

The Kurdistan Renewal Movement - Syria condemned the Turkish occupation attacks and affirmed its support for the Syrian Democratic Forces. It said in a statement: “The massacres and atrocities rise to the level of crimes of genocide and are accompanied by international silence that is an incentive to continue them.”

​​​​​​​Kurdistan Renewal Movement: International silence grants Turkey green light to commit its atrocities
12 Decemberember 2023   11:46

Reactions continue denouncing the crimes of the Turkish occupation in northern and eastern Syria, committing massacres and destroying vital installations in the region.

The Kurdistan Renewal Movement - Syria issued a statement to public opinion, criticizing the international silence regarding the crimes of the Turkish occupation.

It was stated at the beginning of the statement:

"This is what your hands achieved, Lausanne. You scattered our history and geography and imposed on our people and our land tyrannical, fascist, hateful regimes that violate, violate, and even ignore, all international laws and United Nations charters. Here is Turkey, which occupied our cities and displaced our people, violating the sovereignty of the State of Syria, which is a member of the United Nations and ignoring... International laws regulating relations between countries commit massacres against the peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish people, in order to eradicate their national and national identity from existence. They practice the ugliest forms of terrorism and political and social immorality, and the scope of their crimes expands day after day to begin recently with systematic destruction of the infrastructure of vital facilities and installations. Through swarms of drones and warplanes, they brutally bombed electricity, water, oil, human, and quarantine stations dozens of times, day and night, which exceeds all international human rights concepts and theories.

The statement affirmed that the massacres and atrocities are crimes of genocide and criticized the international silence regarding them: “These massacres, atrocities and massacres rise to the level of crimes of genocide, and unfortunately very, very sadly, the international silence that accompanies their bombing is an incentive for them to continue their violations and crimes by destroying the bodies of Western Kurdistan and north-eastern Syria, with our appreciation.” There are some faint voices denouncing and protesting the bombing from some humanitarian and human rights organizations.”

The statement stressed, "All forces that love freedom and peace must break their silence to expose the crimes of this fascist state and work to stop this violent bombing of civilians and infrastructure against the peoples and components of Western Kurdistan and north-eastern Syria."

At the conclusion of its statement, the movement renewed its support for the Syrian Democratic Forces, and said:

“It is true that it pours hell and poisons on the heads of the components of Western Kurdistan and northeastern Syria, but its peoples cling to their land, their history, and their existence, regardless of the sacrifices, and the Kurdistan Renewal Movement - Syria stands with its people and its forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the People’s Protection Units, and strongly denounces and condemns what the Turkish fascist regime is doing against our peoples.”
