​​​​​​​SDF kills Turkish occupation soldiers during a series of retaliatory operations

The Syrian Democratic Forces eliminated Turkish occupation soldiers and wounded a number of them, in operations carried out in retaliation for the martyrs of Derik and the anniversary of the occupation of Serêkaniyê/ Ras al-Ain and Girê Spi/ Tal- Abyed.

​​​​​​​SDF kills Turkish occupation soldiers during a series of retaliatory operations
12 Decemberember 2023   11:27

SDF's Media Center published a statement on the forces' official website, in which it mentioned the implementation of a series of military operations against the Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries.

The forces indicated that, “On the ninth and tenth of this October, with the aim of avenging the martyrs of the city of Derik, and the anniversary of the occupation of the cities of Girê Spi/Tal Abyed and Serêkaniyê/Ras al-Ain, our forces carried out a series of military operations against the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries.” .

The details of the operations were as follows, according to the statement:

  “1 - On October 9, our forces targeted a Turkish occupation base opposite the village of Siyda in the Ain Issa countryside with heavy weapons, and the operation resulted in the killing of a Turkish soldier and the wounding of another. The radar system and surveillance cameras at the base were also destroyed, in addition to the destruction a point for guarding and surveillance.

2 - On October 10; Our forces targeted with heavy weapons a Turkish occupation base in the village of “Debis” in the Ain Issa countryside. The operation resulted in the injury of 3 occupation soldiers, and the number of occupation forces killed in this operation was not known. An armored military vehicle and its fortifications were also hit.”



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