Mutual shelling between Damascus forces; Turkish mercenaries in "De-escalation" zone

Several areas within the "De-escalation" process witnessed mutual bombardment between Damascus government forces and Turkish occupation mercenaries, which led to several casualties.

Mutual shelling between Damascus forces; Turkish mercenaries in "De-escalation" zone
3 Decemberember 2023   10:05

There was an exchange of artillery shelling between the forces of the Damascus government on the one hand and the mercenaries of "Al-Fatah Al-Mubin" on the other hand, on the Kabana axis in Jabal al-Akrad, north of Latakia, which led to the injury of a mercenary from the "Tahrir al-Sham" mercenaries.

According to what the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported, the Al-Mashrou’ axis in the Al-Ghab Plain, northwest of Hama, also witnessed mutual bombardment between the two sides.

In a related development, a man and a woman were injured after Damascus government forces targeted the road between the cities of Idlib and Sarmin, near a Turkish occupation point.

The artillery shelling targeted the villages of Ma'rablit, Majdalia, Al-Fatira, and Sufuhan in the Idlib countryside, and the village of Kafarama, west of Aleppo.

The so-called "De-escalation" zone witnesses sniper operations, infiltration, and mutual targeting between Damascus government forces and Turkish occupation mercenaries from time to time, leaving many dead, including citizens.

Thus, the number of those killed by ground targets as part of the “de-escalation” since the beginning of 2023 has risen to 429, during 280 operations that varied between attacks, sniper operations, clashes, and targeting. More than 316 people were injured in the aforementioned operations.

T/ Satt.