​​​​​​​HPG kills 13 Turkish occupation soldiers in Southern Kurdistan

The People's Defense Forces HPG eliminated 13 Turkish soldiers and destroyed 3 sites without any casualties among their ranks. As part of its response to the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state on Southern Kurdistan following the guerrilla operation carried out in Ankara.

​​​​​​​HPG kills 13 Turkish occupation soldiers in Southern Kurdistan
3 Decemberember 2023   09:42

The Media Center of the People's Defense Forces issued a statement to the public, confirming the killing of 13 Turkish soldiers in the Mediya defense areas in Southern Kurdistan, which read:

“The murderous and tyrannical Turkish state received a strong blow through the great operation carried out by our comrades Rojhat and Erdal, two guerrilla fighters in the Khaledin Brigade, after which the tyrannical state launched severe attacks, and our forces did not suffer any losses in 21 air bombardments, and the enemy did not achieve any results, as the army bombed... The occupation invaded the resistance trenches 4 times with banned explosives, and 20 times with drones loaded with explosives, and once again committed a war crime.

Our forces carried out many operations against these barbaric attacks, resulting in the killing of 13 Turkish soldiers, the injury of 6 others, and the destruction of 3 occupation sites.”

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned chemical gases and explosives:

- October 1, between 08:00 and 11:00, Turkish occupation state drones loaded with explosives bombed the resistance square on Judy Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, 4 times, and on October 2, between 08:00 and 15:00. , 16 times.

- On October 1, at 17:30, the occupation army once bombed the resistance square in Judy Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with prohibited explosives, and on October 2, between 11:15, 11:45, and 22:35, 3 times.

Turkish occupation army attacks:

On September 3 and October 1, Turkish warplanes bombed the village of Shakira in the Gari region, Kanisark, and the areas of the Kafia Plain, Manak Sinin and the Loulan River in the Khakurk region five times, the resistance square on Bahar Hill in the Martyr Dalil region west of Zap twice, and the Beyşil village square. Metina Peak in the Metina District 3 times, and the Savaş Village Squares, Newroz Square and Zirkli Village in the Qandil District 6 times.

The Zap region, the Martyr Dalil area west of Zap, Khakurk and Metina were also subjected to artillery shelling.”

T/ Satt.