Woman 50 years old martyred due to Turkish occupation UAV

She went to help an injured person as a result of the Turkish occupation aircraft’s bombing of the village of Bukarskan in Başûr Kurdistan. However, another raid caused her severe injury and she was subsequently martyred, aged 50.

Woman 50 years old martyred due to Turkish occupation UAV
28 September 2023   14:10

The village of Bukarskan is located in Qandil, near the borders of the Bashdar district. The Turkish occupation state repeatedly bombs Qandil villages, causing the martyrdom and injury of the people and exposing their property to great damage.

The village of Bukarskan, like dozens of other times, yesterday, Wednesday, was once again a target for drones belonging to the Turkish occupation state. The first attack by Turkish state aircraft on the village resulted in the injury of a citizen named Mirza Ibrahim.

According to what was published by Roj news agency, while the 50-year-old citizen, Esti Mohammad, was a few meters away from her home, when she tried to help the wounded man, a drone belonging to the occupying Turkish state launched another attack, and she was seriously injured.

Despite the attempts of the medical staff in Qandil to treat her and transfer her to Rania Hospital, she lost her life due to the seriousness of her injury and joined the convoy of martyrs. Her body was buried in Hewer Berzi Cemetery.

Esti Mehmet was 50 years old and a mother of seven children. She was a patriotic woman who participated in all activities with the people of Qandil and in particular, she participated in all activities to condemn and stop the attacks of the fascist Turkish state’s planes.

She was born in the village of Zanjilan in Qandil and lived in Rania district for several years. For 10 years, she had been living with her family in the village of Bukarskan in Qandil and was working in livestock breeding.

T/ Satt.