Second Syrian Forum concluded with interventions and a final statement

The activities of the Second Syrian Forum of the Democratic Union Party, which was held under the title “Historical Strategy for Kurdish-Arab Relations According to the Perspective of Leader Abdullah Ocalan,” concluded with a discussion of the forum’s themes, participants’ interventions, and a final statement summarizing the importance of the strategic role of relations.

Second Syrian Forum concluded with interventions and a final statement
28 September 2023   14:26

After the end of the speeches delivered at the forum, the co-chair of the Future Syria Party in Deir ez-Zor, Thamer al-Shammari, opened the discussion by talking about “the history of Kurdish-Arab relations in Syria,” and he stressed, “This forum comes at this appropriate time, and I came leaving behind my family and the people of Deir ez-Zor who are confident with their AANES after the events that occurred recently.”

Thamer al-Shammari added: “We have been framing Arab-Kurdish relations for a hundred years, as we must determine when modern Syria began and what geography extended after the end of World War I, where the state of the sick man, the Ottoman Empire, was divided after its collapse into 22 states, and here was the appropriate time for the birth of modern Syria, especially after transforming Syria from a kingdom into a republic, Syria was then subjected to the French mandate.”

Al-Shammari pointed out that the first president of Syria was a Kurdish person, Mohammad Ali al-Abed, and there was no objection, and Shukri al-Quwatli was an example in all standards. It is the Syria we yearn for, the Syria that provides the best from its people for the advancement of this country.

This was followed by a speech by the Secretary-General of the Egyptian Socialist Party, Ahmed Bahaa, who stressed that Kurdish-Arab relations go deep into history, and they are friends and brothers, but after the division of the region in the early last century in favor of colonial powers with the aim of imposing their control over these regions, these relations weakened.

Ahmed Bahaa pointed out, “There is no objection to unifying Kurdish-Arab relations and building a cooperative society that allows the world to take their rights. The truth is that we in Egypt do not have a problem with our Kurdish brothers. There are long relations that unite us with them, and it is not a coincidence that the first Kurdish newspaper was printed in Egypt in the year 1889, the enemies of the Arab and Kurdish peoples are common, and our efforts and capabilities must be employed in the face of the enemy in order to defend our interests and rights.”

The second session of the forum began, where the Executive Head of the Syrian Democratic Council, Elham Ahmed, spoke about the strategic role of Arab-Kurdish relations in resolving the Syrian crisis. She stressed that the conflicts depended on a policy that was adopted by the dominant regime with the aim of imposing its control over the region, and therefore Syria is an arena for this conflict and therefore from "It is not possible to impose these policies without conflicts in society."

Elham Ahmed added: “Therefore, when the policy of divide and rule is mentioned, the existing components in the region are weakened, and the region is divided into nationalities, sects, and religions, even though these components are authentic components, and the issue of Deir ez-Zor is the most important event that happened, and there are still tricks to enlarge this wound, and there are serious attempts to create a conflict in Deir ez-Zor between Arabs and Kurds.”

She pointed out that those who drew the features of this game are international regional powers that have interests in Deir ez-Zor and north-eastern Syria, led by the regime, Turkey, and regional countries, but thanks to the wisdom of the people of the region and the project that we are about to implement, the door to this strife has been closed. Attempts are still continuing, as international powers are playing on "Inflaming the region and there are attempts to impose Turkification policy in the region."

Elham Ahmed pointed out, “The entire world, and the Middle East in particular, is subjected to a fierce attack by liberal countries, which is being carried out on peoples in order to eradicate existing cultures and eradication the identity of the region in particular.”

Elham Ahmed concluded her speech by saying: “A democratic nation is built on the basis of existing cultures, developing and strengthening fraternal relations, and consolidating peace among them.”

Interventions were opened for the second axis, where the activist in the democratic feminist community in Lebanon, Arwa Nawaf, confirmed that Kurdish-Arab relations are ancient, as they have lived through many relations, and the Kurds are part of Syria, and through the interests of the British and French mandate, it left the two parties with a kind of tension, even though they share fraternal relations, and therefore we consider Kurdish relations. Arabic is a model for Arab relations in facing common challenges and the common history of Arabs and Kurds.”

Then the Editor-in-Chief of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, Hanan Hajjaj, spoke and confirmed, “When we talk about the history of Arab-Kurdish relations, we are talking about a great Kurdish Muslim leader, Commander Saladin, who created a modern state, when Islam entered Tikrit and the cohesion between the Levant and the Peninsula increased, and Commander Gamal Abdel Nasser in the modern era has become certain of the importance of the Kurdish issue. The Kurdish issue and the Arab struggle have been intertwined since the Ottoman occupation. Their relationship was a national and Arab issue. The Kurds struggled and the Arabs struggled and the struggle continued when the British state came and annexed Mosul and the Kurdish state was divided between Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey in conjunction with the handing over of Palestine to the Zionists. .

The participants in the forum concluded the importance of the strategic role of these relations and their repercussions in resolving the Syrian crisis, based on the importance of including the national dimension of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and the possibility of developing and benefiting from it in the rest of the other Syrian regions through dialogue with all Syrian national parties and the promise of the Autonomous Administration initiative regarding a solution. The Syrian crisis is important on the way to resolving the Syrian crisis in accordance with International Resolution 2,254.

It was also emphasized that Leader Abdullah Ocalan's perspective on the historical relations between the various peoples of the region amounts to building the modern, sound, strategic foundations for this relationship and a lifeline for all factional projects harboring for the region.

The forum also called on all notables, sheikhs of clans and tribes, political figures and wise men of society to play their historical role towards building and strengthening the concepts of co-existence, brotherhood of peoples and the unity of their destiny. The Syrian Democratic Forces, which protected all components of the region, have thwarted the plans and conspiracies - the pillar of security and stability of the region. In this regard, the attendees promised that the force of the solution that the Autonomous Administration possesses results from the cohesion of its people and its awareness of the historical relations between its peoples and the reality of its future to resolve crises and consolidate peace in Syria and the entire region.”

T/ Satt.


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