AANES representative in Lebanon briefs the Human Rights Council on the violations in Afrin

The United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva heard a recorded speech by the representative of the Autonomous Administration of North, East and Syria in Lebanon, Abdullah Al-Salam Ahmed, in which he shed light on the crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in occupied Afrin.

AANES representative in Lebanon briefs the Human Rights Council on the violations in Afrin
27 September 2023   10:37

Abdul Salam Ahmed’s speech stated: “Since 2018, the Turkish occupation army and Syrian jihadist militias have been committing atrocities in the Kurdish city of Afrin. These violations include indiscriminate bombing, unlawful killing, kidnapping, and forced displacement of Kurdish civilians from their homes.”

Among the crimes committed by Turkey in Afrin are demographic change, attacks on archaeological, cultural and religious sites of the Yazidi Kurds in the villages of Afrin, as well as arbitrary arrests and torture in prisons, rape of women, theft, destruction of olive farms, cutting and burning fruit trees, and building settlements with funding from charities linked to jihadist militias.

The speech of the representative of the AANES in Lebanon indicated that as a result of these practices, most of the Kurdish residents of the city of Afrin were displaced, and their number exceeded half a million people, some of whom reside in the al-Shahba camp, while the rest took refuge in diaspora countries, while they were replaced by individuals brought from the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus and the cities of Homs and Hama. .

These practices are carried out with the knowledge and orders of the Turkish government, and they blatantly contradict the basic principles of human rights and international agreements that Turkey must abide by.

Abdul Salam Ahmed concluded his speech, calling on the Human Rights Council and relevant United Nations bodies to open an urgent investigation into these violations, ensure the protection of Afrin civilians, and pressure the Turkish government to withdraw from the occupied Syrian territories.

T/ Satt.