Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK

The Revolutionary Youth Movement in the Darbasiyah district condemned the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the Turkish occupation state, stressing the continuation of the resistance approach and their support for the Guerrilla.

Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
Al-Darbasiyah youth demonstrate against complicity of PDK
23 September 2023   15:16

This evening, the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement in the Darbasiyah district organized a torchlight demonstration denouncing the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the Turkish occupation, and in support of the Guerrilla resistance in the mountains of Kurdistan, with the participation of dozens of members of the Revolutionary Youth Movement and the people of the district.

The demonstrators started from in front of the Revolutionary Youth Movement center, heading towards the Gardenia roundabout in the center of the district, carrying pictures of the leader Abdullah Ocalan and the flags of the Revolutionary Youth Movement, while chanting slogans saluting the Guerrilla resistance, and slogans "No to treason."

After standing for a minute of silence, the member of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement in the Darbasiyah district, Ismail Muhammad, delivered a speech, in which he denounced the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the mobilization of its forces in Başûr Kurdistan to fight the Guerrilla.

  He added: "The PDK's betrayal is a betrayal against the Kurdish people. The Turkish occupation state seeks to end the Kurdish presence, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party has become its ally in achieving its goals."

The demonstration ended with chanting slogans saluting the Guerilla resistance.
