​​​​​​​Panorama of the week: Protests continue against Damascus govt,Turkish occupation, while Barzani fear popular uprising

While the Damascus is still ignoring the protests taking place in its areas, the occupied Syrian regions have witnessed protests against the transformation of the so-called coalition into a tool for the Turkish occupation, whereas the Barzani family fears a popular uprising, so it is trying to win over the clerics.

​​​​​​​Panorama of the week: Protests continue against Damascus govt,Turkish occupation, while Barzani fear popular uprising
23 September 2023   21:04

Arab newspapers touched on the protests in Syria’s Suwayda and the occupied Syrian regions,  the US-Iranian deal, in addition to the situation in southern Kurdistan.

Damascus ignores the protests

 Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper saw that, a month after increasing the salaries of workers in Damascus in conjunction with a package of economic measures that led to the deterioration of the living situation, the government in Damascus presented its justifications for those measures before the People’s Assembly (the Syrian Parliament), placing responsibility on the war.

The presentation made by the Prime Minister in the first session of the People’s Assembly on Sunday ignored the popular protests that broke out in Suwayda Governorate.

In a similar context, Syrians in the areas occupied by Turkey protested against the so-called "coalition", turning it into a tool controlled by regional powers, especially Turkey.

Protesters attacked the headquarters of the so-called "Syrian Coalition for Revolutionary and Opposition Forces" in the countryside of Aleppo, northwest of the country, accusing it of "collaboration".

These protests come, according to Al-Arab newspaper, just days after the “Syrian Coalition” election Hadi Al-Bahra as the new president, succeeding Salem Al-Muslat, in a session held at the “Coalition” headquarters in Istanbul.

The US-Iranian deal

Regarding the American-Iranian deal, Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper saw that the current status of official American-Iranian relations indicates that the recent prisoner exchange agreement is a concrete step on the path to any possible paths regarding the future of relations between Washington and Tehran, and that the successful implementation of the process of transferring prisoners from both parties will be a prelude. In addition to the forms of indirect negotiation between the two countries regarding reviving the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program in 2015, the newspaper pointed out that the exchange of prisoners is a concrete and important first step that could open paths on a long and very difficult road.

Al-Barzani family is worried about a popular uprising

Al-Arab newspaper, in turn, saw that the Barzani family is courting the clerics in southern Kurdistan in anticipation of popular tension in their strongholds. The newspaper indicates that the Barzani family believes that the same union, in cooperation with other relatively popular Islamic forces in the Dohuk and Erbil governorates, can reduce the level of the resulting popular tension to prevent it from turning into a comprehensive popular uprising.
