Internal Security Forces thwart an attempt to smuggle families to ISIS from al-Hol camp

Internal Security Forces thwarted an attempt to smuggle families of ISIS mercenaries from al-Hol camp, east of Hasakah canton in NE, Syria.

Internal Security Forces thwart an attempt to smuggle families to ISIS from al-Hol camp
7 September 2023   10:57

A group of 12 women and 7 children from families of ISIS mercenaries tried to escape from al-Hol camp, which contains thousands of families of ISIS mercenaries, and the Internal Security Forces were able to thwart their escape by smuggling them in a car.

According to ANHA agency’s sources, “the smuggling operation was via a minivan working with one of the humanitarian organizations working in al-Hol camp.”

Al-Hol camp is one of the largest camps in the Autonomous Administration areas of NE, Syria, and the most dangerous among the camps in the world. There are thousands of families of ISIS mercenaries who carry an extremist mentality, with 54,390 people living in al-Hol camp. Among them are 27,816 Iraqis, 18,483 Syrians, and 8,091 families of ISIS mercenaries, according to the latest statistics obtained by our agency in August 2022.

T/ Satt.