3 Guerrilla operations in retaliation for martyrs of Xerzan

​​​​​​​Guerrilla fighters carried out a series of specific operations. In retaliation for the martyrs of Xerzan, it resulted in the killing of 3 occupation soldiers, the destruction of a thermal camera system, and the targeting of 14 occupation sites.

3 Guerrilla operations in retaliation for martyrs of Xerzan
7 September 2023   10:29

The HPG Media Center said in a statement, on Thursday:

"The Turkish occupation army is suffering from a major failure and defeat from a tactical standpoint in the face of the resistance and active operations of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerilla, and despite the occupation army launching its violent attacks dozens of times on legitimate defense areas every day using its military techniques, it has not been able to achieve any results and is suffering... Heavy losses in the face of the successful operations of the fighters, and recently he covered up his losses in the resistance square in Judi Hill and admitted to the killing of only one soldier, but the bodies of two soldiers from the occupation forces, Denîz and Onal and, are still in the resistance square and under the control of our forces, and with this successful operation it was proven once again another is that the fascist army and the private Turkish war media are hiding the facts from public opinion and lying.

Our forces' operations continue without interruption against the Turkish occupation state, which has become devoid of morals and humanity, in which it directed painful strikes at the enemy with its sacrificial spirit and great courage, in Zap, the Martyr Dalil area west of Zap and Matina. These operations resulted in the killing of 3 occupation soldiers, the destruction of a thermal camera system, and the targeting of... 14 affiliated sites.

T/ Satt.