Al-Miqdad: Withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria is the only way to restore relations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Damascus government, Faisal Al-Miqdad, affirmed that the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation forces from the Syrian lands is the way to restore relations between the two countries.

Al-Miqdad: Withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria is the only way to restore relations
4 September 2023   11:06

The Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Damascus government, Faisal al-Miqdad, reiterated Damascus' position, which calls for the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation forces from the Syrian lands, and that it is the only way to restore relations between the two countries to what they were.

He added during the symposium held in the "Al-Assad National Library" in Damascus on cooperation between the Syrian and Russian missions to the Chemical Weapons Organization: "Turkey knows that its withdrawal from Syrian territory is the only way to restore relations between the two countries and the two peoples," according to what was reported by an agency affiliated with the Damascus government.

Al-Assad had previously stressed, during his meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian, on August 31, that "Turkish withdrawal from the Syrian lands is inevitable and necessary for the return of normal relations between Damascus and Ankara."

T/ Satt..