AANES: ISIS Supporters try to divert the course of the military operation

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria AANES has made it clear that some supporters of ISIS cells are trying to divert the course of the military operation and the efforts to restore stability to another path, aiming at sedition and making room for passing plans hostile to the security and safety of the people of Deir ez-Zor.

AANES: ISIS Supporters try to divert the course of the military operation
30 August 2023   10:48

On Wednesday, the Autonomous Administration of North and East and Syria issued a statement to the public regarding the process of Security Enhancement, stating:

"After the liberation of Deir-ez-Zor by the Syrian Democratic Forces, which consists of the people of NE, Syria, from the terrorist organization ISIS, which practiced terrorism and massacres against our people, the Syrian Democratic Forces, in their aforementioned struggle, presented thousands of martyrs for the sake of Deir-ez_Zor and our people in all regions. Directly by supporting the people’s management of their regions and their self-protection under the umbrella of the Syrian Democratic Forces, and serving their region and building their administration under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration, and they established everything that guarantees security and stability.

However, after the defeat of ISIS in al-Baghouz, the terrorist organization tried to reorganize its ranks, threatened the region and tried through its cells to strike security and stability. Some tried to take advantage of this situation, deepen the crisis and exploit the circumstances, but the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria always wanted to serve the region and its people, and worked for a solution. Matters are always discussed and understood, in order to preserve the stability of the region. The Autonomous Administration, which believes that civil peace is a red line and that everyone must work and struggle for that, and refuses to compromise the stability of the region according to its well-known principles.

In light of the developments that our regions are going through, and despite the threats and hostile endeavors of Turkey, since the days of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces have started their military campaign in the regions of Deir ez-Zor under the title " Security Enhancement" within the framework of restoring security and stability and combating ISIS cells and subversive elements associated with them, in the Deir ez-Zor region, some of the supporters of these cells tried to undermine its stability and threaten its security. Today, in parallel with the military campaign against these cells and elements, they are facing sedition plans and projects to strike the components of our people against each other, diverting the course of the military campaign and efforts to restore stability to another path, whose goal is sedition and making way for the passing of hostile plans. For the safety and security of our people in Deir-ez-Zor.

At a time when we affirm that all the slanders and false facts that are being promoted are a distortion of the efforts of the security forces, and to restore stability, we count on the statement of the Autonomous Administration and the Executive Council in the Democratic Civil Administration of Deir-ez-Zor, who stressed the need for the cooperation of the people and people of Deir-ez-Zor from various groups. And the segments with the military forces that want to control security, the Syrian Democratic Forces realized the necessity of the campaign to serve the security of our people, who sacrificed for the sake of the region and liberated it from ISIS.

We assure our people in Deir-ez-Zor, with its clans and righteous sons, not to be dragged behind any schemes aimed at serving the enemies of our people that are hostile to their aspirations to achieve security and stability, and the campaign aims to control the security and stability of the region and guarantee the dignity of our people without any other goals.

Today, and after years of continued solidarity of our people and their success in building their free will, there are those who want to break this will and restore chaos and humiliate our people. We will not accept this, and we will continue to struggle against it and against all similar endeavors.

T/ Satt.