AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting

On Monday, the Women's Coordination for North and East Syria held its semi-annual meeting in the meeting room of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria in Raqqa.

AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
AANES Women's Coordination holds its semi- annual meeting
31 July 2023   15:03

The meeting was attended by the Syrian women's coordination in the seven regions, the Defense Authority, and the committees and bodies affiliated with the Autonomous Administration of North and East of Syria.

The meeting began with a minute of silence in remembrance of the souls of the martyrs, then the political situation was explained by the coordinator of the Syrian Women’s Authority, Adalat Omar, where she talked about the situation in Syria and the Middle East, the return of Syria to the League of Arab States, and the change in the positions of some Arab countries regarding the return of Syria, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and touched on the Turkish attacks On the regions of North and East Syria, especially after Erdogan's success in the elections, as Turkey escalated its attacks and targeted a number of male and female leaders in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

Omar noted how the Russian-Ukrainian war affected the world, especially the problem of grain, as Ukraine is the main source of grain. Omar concluded her speech that the Autonomous Administration is seeking the Syrian-Syrian dialogue, especially after the initiative it launched to solve the Syrian crisis.

Then, the head of the Executive Body of the Syrian Democratic Council, Elham Ahmed, spoke about the weapons that countries manufacture and use in the battlefields, especially the Syrian regime, where he used all kinds of weapons, and we, in turn, had statements and denunciations in this regard. That this file is frozen and solutions to solve the Syrian file are obstructed. There is a solution, but there is an obstruction, whether it is local, regional or international. The issue of Syria has become complicated. It is not possible to solve the Syrian crisis as long as the Turks and Iranians are present in Syria. We have visions, paths and solutions despite all the obstacles. set by the regime, despite the economic crisis the regime is experiencing

Then the semi-annual report for each region was read, followed by a discussion of the organizational situation and its evaluation by the attendees

The meeting ended with a statement of public opinion on crimes of violence against women, which was read by the Women’s Coordinator for North and East Syria, Adalat Omar.

The escalating years of the Syrian crisis, twelve years ago, were full of tragedies and disasters in all aspects, as the Syrian people tasted the scourge of death, destruction, displacement. It is important on all political, military, diplomatic and cultural levels, as it has become a role model in the march of women's struggle in the world."

The statement added, "However, despite the success it has achieved, it still needs more struggle and work in the face of customs and traditions that restrict its freedom, devour its rights, and violence and discrimination practiced against it despite the existence of laws that guarantee its protection. The control of the terrorist organization ISIS over the region was a period of time has a negative and catastrophic effect on women's lives and the course of their struggle, and it still controls the mentality of society despite the military elimination of ISIS, and the occupation of the Turkish state and its affiliated factions in several areas in north and east Syria such as Afrin, Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad has exacerbated the suffering of women, where they are exposed in a systematic manner, the most severe types of violations, including killing, raping, assassinating women, trafficking in women, and exterminating them culturally, politically, and at all levels.

The statement pointed out, "All these practices and attacks that target them with repressive methods are carried out by means of phased attacks by the special war regimes in Syria and Turkey, by targeting women more and exploiting them in the special war declared on our regions, such as trying to use them in prostitution networks, drug trade, and the spread of begging and seduction of women." In the matter of espionage in a systematic way in the endeavor of the parties lurking in the Democratic Autonomous Administration, and it is still subject to marginalization, injustice and deprivation of its rights as a result of the masculine mentality that controls its control through the negative customs and traditions it faces, in addition to early marriage, polygamy, cases of honor killing, physical violence, beatings, and others.

The statement noted, "In the past six months of this year, from 1-1-2023 until 6-30-2023, crimes against women in northeastern Syria were as follows:

Murder 25, marriage of a minor 18, polygamy 104, suicide 19, attempted suicide 23, rape 9, molestation 25, prostitution 13, marital infidelity 5, drug use and possession 12.

The statement concluded that "women in North and East Syria have chosen their path towards freedom due to their belief in the justice of their cause, and their desire to establish their rights and end the state of discrimination, denial and genocide against them in a great struggle that establishes a sexually liberated society, and for this reason they will follow up on all issues and apply laws in areas that have not been implemented and stand up." In the face of all forms of violence, violations and persecution practiced against women to reach a healthy democratic society free from violence and wars in which all components and peoples enjoy security and peace.