Injuries occurred between the elements of the fourth division in Daraa

There were injuries between the forces of the "Fourth Division" of the Damascus government, one of which was in a serious condition; After an explosive device exploded by unknown persons, in Daraa countryside.

Injuries occurred between the elements of the fourth division in Daraa
31 July 2023   14:05

An explosive device planted by unknown persons exploded, coinciding with the passage of a transport bus of the "Fourth Division" of the Damascus government forces, Monday, on the southern road of the town of Gabaggh in the northern countryside of the city of Daraa, which led to injuries, one of which is in a serious condition, according to SOHR.

The observatory indicated, according to its documentation, that it had reached the outcome of the targeting in Daraa, since the beginning of January 317 incidents; As a result of the security chaos, which caused the killing of 251 people, all of which took place in various ways and methods.

T/ Satt.