IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution

Under the slogan "July 19 Revolution, the revolution for people's freedom and democratization of Syria", the displaced from Afrin and the people of al-Shahba commemorated the 19th of July 11 revolution in al-Shahba canton.

IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
IDPs of Afrin celebrate of the July 19 revolution
19 July 2023   16:10

Thousands of displaced people from Afrin and the people of al-Shahba celebrated the anniversary of the launch of the 11th of July Revolution, in the Events Square in the village of Maaratah in the al-Ahdath district.

The square was decorated with pictures of the martyrs, the flags of the Autonomous Administration, pictures of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, followed by a speech on behalf of the Afrin Canton Council and al-Shahba by the co-chair of the Education Authority, Zulukh Bakr, in which she referred to the gains of the revolution and the difficulties that the revolution faced during the past years, specifically the plans of the Turkish occupation, ISIS mercenaries and Jabhat al-Nasr.

Zulukh Bakr emphasized the need to raise the pace of struggle in the face of the Turkish plans and its mercenaries, and to make next year the year of liberating all occupied regions, especially the occupied Afrin canton, and leading Syria to freedom and democracy.

For his part, the member of the Council of Notables of the Afrin and al-Shahba cantons, Muhammad al-Khashan, said: "The launch of the July 19 revolution made all oppressed peoples, including Kurds, Turkmens, and even Arabs rise up in the face of authoritarian regimes, and led the project of the democratic nation aimed at making Syria free and democratic."

Al-Khashan called for adhering to the concept of the people's revolutionary war "to defeat the ambitions of the occupation and its and mercenary agents."

During the celebration, the artist Fatima Bilal presented some revolutionary and nationalist songs in both Kurdish and Arabic, and the Jiay Karmanj Band of the Culture and Art Movement presented some revolutionary and folkloric songs.



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