Berivan Khaled: AANES is result of July 19 revolution

Berivan Khaled said that the July 19 revolution achieved coexistence among the components of the region, and liberated the region from the most dangerous and powerful "terrorism" in the world, she confirmed that the Autonomous Administration will support the people of NE Syria to live freely.

Berivan Khaled: AANES is result of July 19 revolution
20 July 2023   00:48

Eleven years ago today, the 19th of July revolution was launched in NE Syria, and achieved achievements and gains thanks to the thought and philosophy of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and the sacrifices of the people and martyrs of the region.

The co-chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of NE Syria, Berivan Khaled, evaluated the July 19 revolution through ANHA agency, and blessed the eleventh anniversary of the launch of the July 19 revolution on all the people of NE Syria, the families of the martyrs, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the women of NE Syria.

Khaled explained: "Since the beginning of the revolution until this day, all components of NE Syria have participated in achieving the goals of the revolution and protecting the gains that have been achieved."

Khaled confirmed: "With the solidarity of the people and the sacrifices of the martyrs, the goals of the revolution were achieved, and the main goal is to reach a free and democratic society.

She noted," after the people took it upon themselves to organize themselves, the formation of the people's councils began, and then the democratic Autonomous Administration in Jazera, Kobani and Afrin, but this matter did not appeal to the Turkish occupation state, and after the establishment of the three administrations, the city of Kobani was attacked by ISIS with the support from the Turkish occupation state.

Berivan Khaled confirmed, with the solidarity of all the sons and daughters of NE Syria defeated ISIS and expelled it from Kobani, which is considered a symbol of the revolution in NE Syria.

Khaled noted that after the expulsion of ISIS from Kobani, the Syrian Democratic Forces took it upon themselves to liberate all the lands of NE Syria, and the liberation stages began, which started gradually from the city of Manbij al-Tabqa and Raqqa to Deir ez-Zor.

Khaled stated: "After the end of ISIS militarily, its threat still exists in the region through its terrorist cells that work to create strife among the components of the region, and to destabilize the security and stability of the region in general."

Berivan Khaled confirmed: "We faced challenges greater than the threat of ISIS, namely the attacks of the Turkish occupation on the regions of NE Syria. Turkey, which did not like the victories achieved by the July 19 revolution in the regions occupied Afrin and committed several massacres there, and also occupied Tal Abyad." and Ras al-Ain, and its first and last goal is to eliminate the will of the people of the region.”

Berivan Khaled  added: "In addition to the attacks and the economic blockade imposed on the region, the Autonomous Administration of NE Syria and our people will not stop resisting and will stand up to these challenges by escalating the struggle to protect the gains and achievements of the July 19 revolution.

Regarding the role of women in the July 19 revolution, Berivan Khaled said: "It is the women's revolution and women's leadership. The women were a pioneer in all fields and in all arenas of struggle in NE Syria. They struggled and broke the masculine mentality and habits that restrict women."

Berivan Khaled pointed out: "In the past, there were several women's organizations, but they did not have enough space or room to take their role in work comfortably because of the ruling regimes, and with the July 19 revolution, women became pioneers and took upon themselves hard and diligent work in all fields within the Autonomous Administration.

About the Autonomous Administration's plans, endeavors and programs, Berivan Khaled stated: "The regions of NE Syria face many challenges and difficulties aimed at thwarting the Autonomous Administration project by international and regional parties, and it is our responsibility to protect the gains and achievements of this great project."

She added, "One of our projects and plans is to provide all services and requirements for the people, so that they can enjoy a decent and luxurious life."

The co-chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of NE Syria, Berivan Khaled, explained: "The most important step that we will work is to support the consolidation of security and stability in general, and to confront all attacks that try to undermine the Autonomous Administration, whether internal or external, in addition to supporting and developing projects."
