NE, Syria on the verge of implementing health system 

North and East Syria is heading towards building a health system, according to high health standards, that will radically rehabilitate the infrastructure in the health sector, in a way that guarantees greater and better services for citizens and the rights of the medical staff.

NE, Syria on the verge of implementing health system 
28 May 2023   22:44

During more than a decade of the Syrian crisis, and the siege that North and East Syria is subjected to from all sides, the reality of many areas of life has witnessed a deterioration in its basic foundation, including the health sector, with the inability of the existing capabilities at the present time to meet the needs of citizens.

Many health experts in the region believe that the current health system in all of Syria, including North and East Syria, is unable to develop itself or make changes in this field, as a result of the damage and deterioration it has witnessed in its infrastructure.

In this regard, the co-chair of the Health Body in North and East Syria, Joan Mustafa, explained that North and East Syria does not yet have an integrated health system on the ground, and that the system that manages the work of hospitals and clinics and guarantees the rights of doctors and citizens in terms of health is greatly damaged.

Providing first aid services

Within the existing capabilities, the Health Body in North and East Syria, since the beginning of its establishment in 2018 and before that, the health bodies in the Democratic Autonomous Administrations in the regions, sought to build several health projects in the region, such as building specialized hospitals and health centers in several cities, while Joan Mustafa believes that all These health services, which have been provided so far, have been provided in terms of emergency only, and they are not sufficient to build a long-term strategic health system to serve the region.

Mustafa continued, "The health situation in the region is witnessing a shortage in many departments within the health and service centers. Therefore, the region is in urgent need to build a new health system, according to the current situation and the citizens' needs."

Huge health projects that have not yet been implemented

In order to rehabilitate and develop the collapsed health sector infrastructure in the region through the implementation of several huge health projects, the Health Body of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria announced, during its annual meeting held on January 9, several huge projects within its plans for 2023.

The most important of these projects was "opening banks for blood units and polyclinics, building new hospitals and rebuilding the health system in North and East Syria."

On that, Joan Mustafa indicated that the Health Body had strategic projects for the year 2023, to make major changes in the health sector throughout North and East Syria to direct towards a health system, and in many areas work continues on these projects such as the People's Hospital in Kobani, and in some others it has been completed Completing and opening it as the general hospital in Deir ez- Zor, while preparations are being made to start projects in other regions.

On May 15, the Health Body of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria opened al-Kasra General Hospital, to provide health services to more than 400,000 people in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor.

Mostafa attributed the reason for the delay in the implementation of these projects to "the current problems and the lack of capabilities, but we seek to avoid these difficulties and enter into the practical phase, and in a short time some of these problems will be resolved, especially the financial problems of implementing the projects."

International promises to support the health of North and East Syria

Joan Mustafa referred to the diplomatic level of the Health Body of the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria, and explained: "Without a doubt, if health remains within a confined framework, this will result in weak health far from global developments, so we started a diplomatic campaign by visiting the health-developed countries such as Italy and Spain to benefit from their experiences the strategy is to avoid health problems and voids in our regions, and to get out of the emergency phase to enter the construction phase by benefiting from the experiences of developed countries.

Regarding the results of these visits, Mustafa confirmed: "There are great developments in terms of diplomacy. Very important meetings are being held with the health departments in those countries, and we have received positive promises from them to support the health sector in North and East Syria."

Building a health system soon

The co-chair of the Health Body in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Joan Mustafa, explained that the health system, which has been working on for nearly a year and a half, will be applied practically on the ground throughout North and East Syria, and stated: "North and East Syria need to rehabilitate the health infrastructure Therefore, we have been working for nearly a year and a half to achieve this, and now we are entering the practical phase of this system, as all its provisions have been prepared and officially accepted.”

Joan Mustafa added: "The provisions of this system will be implemented in stages. If the health system is implemented in all its stages on the ground, there will be radical changes in the health sector in North and East Syria, as well as in organizing all our medical staff within this system, and it will protect their rights and the rights of citizens."

T/ Satt.


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