3 citizens, including a child wounded over Turkish bombing on Ain Issa - updated

3 citizens, including a child, were wounded during artillery shelling by the Turkish occupation army on Jadida village and the international road (M4) in Ain Issa, northeastern Syria.

3 citizens, including a child wounded over Turkish bombing on Ain Issa - updated
17 May 2023   05:56

ANHA correspondent from the town of Ain Issa reported that 3 civilians were wounded. As a result of artillery shelling of the Turkish occupation, it targeted Jadida village, west of Ain Issa district, 2 km away.

According to the information, Muhammad Fawaz Al-Waqqa' (18 years old), his brother Mahmoud Fawaz Al-Waqqa' (17 years old), and Muhammad Salem Kamal (26 years old) were wounded by shrapnel of artillery shells from the Turkish occupation bases, north of the M4 international highway.

The three wounded were taken to hospitals in the city of Raqqa, amidst the continued shelling with artillery and mortar shells.
