KCK renews promise to carry struggle of martyrs to victory

The Co-Presidency of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Community Union (KCK) recalled the martyrs of the revolution and democracy, and renewed the promise to crown their struggle with victory.

KCK renews promise to carry struggle of martyrs to victory
17 May 2023   08:20

On the occasion of the May Martyrs' Month, the Co-Presidency of KCK published a text statement, stating:

" Many revolutionaries and patriots, who played a historic role in the start and the spread of the freedom struggle in Kurdistan and who were well known by the patriotic people of Kurdistan, were martyred in May. Our movement has designated the month of May as ‘Martyrs’ Month’ because of this. We would therefore like to commemorate all the martyrs of revolution and democracy in the person of the May Martyrs with great respect and gratitude. We bow with respect in front of their great memories and reiterate our promise that we will carry their struggle to victory.

"The month of May has an important place in the Kurdistan Revolution. The most courageous and sacrificing children of the people of Kurdistan, who were comrades of Leader Apo when the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle was in its infancy and who participated in the holy march for freedom by putting everything on the line, were martyred in May. Haki Karer, the first martyr of the party foundation process of our movement; Halil Çavgun and his friends, the pioneers of the Hilvan-Siverek resistance; Ferhat Kurtay, Necmi Öner, Mahmut Zengin and Eşref Anyık, who reached martyrdom by setting their bodies on fire in the Amed prison; Mehmet Karasungur, one of the military commanders of the Kurdistan revolution, and many other immortal heroes were martyred in May. The comrades who were martyred in May are the pioneers in the development of the culture of courage, sacrifice and heroism for the freedom of the country and the people in Kurdistan. In this respect, it is very important to commemorate the month of May and the comrades who were martyred in May with great gratitude and to show our determination to walk in their path. With this consciousness and these feelings, our people need to commemorate the martyrs of May more than ever and protect their memories wherever they are."

KDP continues its traitorous position

"One of the events of the month of May, which will always fuel the anger of the national people of Kurdistan, is the massacre of Hewler and its martyrs in 1997 the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) killed dozens of our injured comrades who were receiving treatment in the hospital, and our people will never forget this massacre and the betrayal committed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and unfortunately, the KDP continues its treacherous position, and participates with the Turkish state in the occupation of Kurdistan and the killing of the Kurds, the KDP continues its collaborative and treasonous attitude in the Mediya Defense Zones as well as in Rojava, Şengal and Maxmûr. The KDP is fully aligned with the Kurdish enemy, the genocidal colonialist Turkish state and the AKP-MHP."

"May is also an important month for the Turkish Socialist Movement. Many revolutionaries from the Socialist Movement of Turkey, especially Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, Deniz Gezmiş and his friends, were martyred in May. We would like to commemorate these great martyrs with respect and gratitude. And we once again state that we are committed to their memories and that we will continue their struggle."

"Leader Ocalan has always attached importance to the socialist movement in Turkey and the line of struggle of these great revolutionaries, and has shown that he is following their path through his practical practice, and at a crucial stage such as this, in which fascism was involved in an attempt to establish itself in Kurdistan and Turkey, the Kurds are the most The need more than ever to develop and support unity with the socialist and democratic movement in Turkey and to strengthen the struggle against fascism, this is what the martyrs expect from us. Therefore, we need to live up to this and we must definitely achieve this. On this basis, everyone must understand and live the reality of the martyrs more deeply and increase the struggle."
