Hawar news agency plan 5-17-2023

Hawar news agency plan 5-17-2023
16 May 2023   20:00

Political and civil figures confirmed that the peoples of the Middle East found in the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan a solution to the problems they face, stressing the need to achieve his physical freedom, and to release the owner of the solution to those outstanding issues (attached with photos and videos).

The head of the Women's Body in Jazira region explained that the silence of the international forces regarding the crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the occupied territories encourages them to commit more, and described the situation of women and children there as "very tragic" (attached with photos and videos).

Today marks the 384th anniversary of the conclusion of the first agreement under which Kurdistan was divided into two parts, and 277 years later the Sykes-Picot agreement was concluded, complementing the process of fragmentation and dispersion of the Kurds and Kurdistan. Abboud Makso affirms that the goal of the agreement was to annihilate the Kurdish people, and the Kurdish people must now escalate the struggle at all levels, to obtain their rights (attached with photos and videos).

On May 11, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) closed the crossing between NE Syria, in a new step in the approach of continuous hostility against the Kurds and their aspirations to achieve freedom (attached with photos and videos).

The Kurdistan Democratic Party has once again closed the gates of the Semalka-Faysh Khabur border crossing in the face of NE, Syria, which is the weapon that the party has always used against the people of the region and has been renewed several times for political motives that went beyond humanitarian principles (attached with photos).

On the occasion of the Kurdish Language Day, the Teachers’ Training Institute in Al-Hasakah is organizing an exhibition of students’ handicrafts and a singing party at 9:00 in the Teachers’ Preparation Institute in Al-Kallasah neighborhood. The 10.00 (attached with photos and video).

Under the slogan "Together to Preserve Kurdistan's Gains, Not Another Lausanne", the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) is organizing a lecture entitled "Kurdistan's Accomplishments and the Lausanne Centenary", at the Muhammad Sheikho Center for Culture and Art, at 17:30, (attached with photos and videos).