Asia Abdullah:  AKP's defeat reflects positively on Syria

​​​​​​​ The co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) indicated that the triumph of the people's will in the Turkish elections will put an end to the practices of the Turkish authorities and the occupation, and will reflect positively on resolving the Syrian crisis. 

Asia Abdullah:  AKP's defeat reflects positively on Syria
28 April 2023   21:06

 The co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Asia Abdullah, spoke to ANHA agency about the attacks targeting the regions of NE Syria, and the political genocide that precedes the upcoming May 14 elections in Bakur Kurdistan (Northern Kurdistan) and Turkey.

Asia Abdullah indicated that the Turkish state seeks, through its attacks on the region, to promote the elections and win the largest number of votes, so it seeks to escalate the war before it,  she continued, saying: "The Turkish state is one of the causes of the Syrian crisis. It intensifying its attacks today on the region and committing more crimes in the occupied territories. They seek to put all these attacks in the service of the electoral campaign to win votes, because their electoral campaign is based on war, genocide, denial and deepening the crisis, so they seek to escalate the war, attacks and fascism during the elections."

 Asia Abdullah saluted the electoral activities of the left-wing Green Party, women's movements and organizations, the Kurdish people and society calling for peace and those preparing for elections in the squares, and commented on the ongoing political genocide in Bakur Kurdistan and Turkey, which was recently represented by the arrest of about 200 people, because fear of the election results and signs of failure, she continued, saying: "It fears the political forces, institutions, democratic organizations, women, Kurdish community , the community that seeks to bring about change in Turkey and put an end to fascism, so it seeks to avoid defeat and preserve its power through the political and cultural genocide it wages against women." 

"Winning the elections will reflect positively on the entire Syrian crisis." With these words, Abdullah referred to the importance of electoral activity and said: "The defeat of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement is very important for the alliance of the Kurdish people and other peoples, democratic forces and women. This continued resistance will achieve a great victory over fascism on May 14. This authority will be defeated by the power of the people, and this will affect the entire region, especially the Syrian crisis.

Asia Abdullah called on the Syrian citizens who obtained the right to vote in Turkey to understand well the reality of the Turkish state, "it is the one that displaced them and occupied their regions. As long as the Turkish state is in Syria, it will not allow peace and stability to be established in it, therefore our Syrian people in Turkey should not support the current authority nor vote for it in the elections, and not to care about Erdogan's propaganda. the authority must be defeated for the sake of a political solution in Syria."
