Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves

The Council of Martyrs' Families in the city of Aleppo organized a demonstration today, denouncing the exhumation of the graves of the martyrs of the Resistance of the Age in Afrin at the hands of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
Demo in Aleppo calls for holding Turkish occupation accountable for exhuming martyrs’ graves
18 July 2021   15:50

As part of a series of organized activities to condemn the practices of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries in violating the sanctity of the martyrs' shrines, especially the recent crime of exhuming the graves of the martyrs' shrine, the Martyrs' Families Council organized a demonstration today in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood.

Hundreds of martyrs' families participated in the demonstration, along with the residents of Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods. The demonstrators gathered in front of the meeting hall located in the western part of the neighborhood.

The demonstrators carried pictures of martyrs and fighters of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement and the Resistance of the Age and Dignity, as well as the flags of the Martyrs' Families Council.

The demonstration stopped in the Seven Martyrs Square, after it toured a number of the main streets in the neighborhood, and after standing for a minute of silence, two speeches were given on behalf of the families of the martyrs by Salah Ahmed and Amna Khadro.

The two words indicated that Turkish fascism worked to create the most heinous forms of vivid crimes in killing people and exhuming their graves.

The two words called for standing together to restore the rights that were stolen by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, and to retrieve ancestors land and their inheritance.

The words ended by emphasizing that the resistance will continue and will not stop until the occupation and its mercenaries are defeated and Afrin and all the occupied territories are liberated.

The demonstration concluded with chanting slogans saluting the martyrs of freedom and calling on humanitarian and human rights organizations to hold Turkey accountable for its crimes in Afrin.