"Hashtag" campaign calling for recognition of AANES tops virtual networking sites

Activists on virtual websites launched a hashtag campaign calling for international recognition of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) on Sunday evening.

"Hashtag" campaign calling for recognition of AANES tops virtual networking sites
18 July 2021   16:55

The campaign was launched this evening, after the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, published the hashtag on his official Twitter page. To be shared by many prominent political figures, and even figures in European governments.

On Saturday, the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, called on his Twitter account to join the campaign "to ensure the future of northeastern Syria."

This campaign was launched by the Kurdistan Virtual Media Council on virtual websites to call for international recognition of the Autonomous Administration and to guarantee the future of the northeastern region of Syria.

The “Virtual Media” is a newly established independent council that includes activists, journalists, intellectuals, and human rights defenders from all over Kurdistan and works to shed light on issues of concern to the Kurds.

In a previous statement, last Friday, the council called on activists and pioneers of virtual sites of all segments, to show solidarity with their campaign, which was launched tonight in the form of a “hashtag” at 20:20 North Eastern Time.

The hashtag campaign, which adopted the following text, #Status4NorthAndEastSyria, was joined by hundreds of thousands of activists, politicians and components of the region.

According to the campaign organizers, the hashtag, and within a few hours of its launch, was published on Facebook and Twitter, and the campaign is still ongoing.