78 violations against journalists in Southern Kurdistan

Journalists for Rights and Development announced that 78 violations were recorded against 145 journalists in Southern Kurdistan during the first half of this year.

78 violations against journalists in Southern Kurdistan
25 June 2024   17:02

Journalists for Rights and Development issued statistics on violations committed against journalists in Southern Kurdistan during the first six months of this year.

The organization indicated an increase in cases of violations of the rights of journalists, as 78 cases were monitored and recorded against 145 journalists, including preventing coverage and confiscating press equipment, which it described as a serious warning to the lives and work of journalists in southern Kurdistan.

The statistics of Journalists for Rights and Development are as follows:

Monitoring and recording 78 cases of violations affecting 145 journalists, two of which were arrests.

59 cases of denial of coverage.

19 cases of attacks and seizure of media and journalistic equipment.

Hewler ranked first with 46 cases of violations against journalists, followed by Dohuk with 21 cases, and Sulaymaniyah with 11 cases of violations, while no violations or harassment of journalists were recorded in Halabja.
