Fatima Hossieno: Hidden hands seek to foil AANES project

Member of the Relations Office of the Syrian Democratic Council SDC, Fatima Hosseino, said that there was a hidden hands exploited the protests to to break the project adopted by the people of the region by spreading discord and hitting the national solidarity, stressing that the AANES has proved its ability by confronting difficulties and adversity and fulfilling the peoples' requirements in the region.

Fatima Hossieno: Hidden hands seek to foil AANES project
9 June 2021   03:18

The areas in NE, Syria have witnessed many events over the past two months, from water cuts by the Turkish Occupying State, the exploitation of Manbij protests by intelligence agencies and regional and military threats to the region.

In this regard, member of the Relations Office of the Syrian Democratic Council, Fatima Hosseino, explained the interconnectedness between these events and the goals and ways of confronting them, through a private meeting conducted by ANHA agency.

Chaos with hidden outside hands

Fatima Hosseino started by talking about the recent protests in Manbij over the decision of the Self - Defense duty: "Indeed, the resolution is not the direct cause of the protests and chaos that have taken place, but there are active hidden hands that create chaos and discord to break the project adopted by the people of the region as well as the cohesion of the people of the region."

It also noted that similar operations had been taking place in April in Tayy neighborhood in Qamishlo city, for a period of time, with the aim of striking existing peace and security, and that some groups had adopted resolution 119 as a pretext for creating riots throughout north and east Syria.

On the objectives of these groups, Fatima said: "These decisions and protests that took place were not in themselves behind the chaos that existed in the region, but rather outside hands that sought to implement foreign agendas, the first and final objective of which was to break the interdependence of the people of the region and their patriotism, and to thwart the project of the autonomous and civil administrations of the region."

Hideous tactics of the Turkish occupier

In her speech, Fatima accused the Turkish Occupation Government, led by Erdogan, of working to strike the project of Autonomous administration, either through direct occupation such as Afrin, Ras Al-Ain and Tal-Abyed, or through other methods no less odious than what they do in wars.

Difficulties and challenges

Fatima noted that there are many difficulties faced by Autonomous Administration, including the existence of Al-Hol Camp and the resulting dissemination of ISIS ideas, warning that at any moment a crisis erupts for chaos to return and threatening Syria as a whole to neglect the world to deal with this dangerous issue.

In that context, she said: "the Autonomous Administration, faced with difficulties and challenges, has proved its worth in dealing with problems and leadership. It has proved to the entire world that it is the surest and most appropriate solution to emerge from the Syrian crisis.

On the major difficulties faced by Autonomous Administration, Fatima said: "The main difficulties are the exclusion of the representatives of the real people from the political forums in order to create a political solution for Syria, although it represents the political front for the people of the north and east of Syria as a whole. It also faces the siege and sometimes the closure of the crossings. The aim of all these obstacles is to strike this real project, in the north of Syria, which reflects the will of the people."

Flexible Structure
Fatima states that the world is testimony to the fact that Autonomous Administration reflects a flexible structure. By overcoming these difficulties and reviewing its decisions, it has been able to prove to the world that it can respond to the requirements and overcome the challenges that exist

She concluded by appealing to people of all components to be vigilant and assume their responsibility in overcoming the problems, to face difficulties and challenges and to remain side by side with the Kurds, their lands was watered by the blood of their children in the battlefields of war together.



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