Armenia Diplomat: CPT does not carry Ocalan's responsibility

Armenian researcher and diplomat Hamo Moscovian has said that the CPT does not carry it's duties to visit the Imrali Island calling on the committee to head there and unveil the reality on the health of leader Ocalan.

Armenia Diplomat: CPT does not carry Ocalan's responsibility
17 March 2021   07:44

The legal Asir Office relevant to leader and all Imrali Island prisoners issued on March 15th, a statement to the public opinion after news on the health of the the leader were put into circulation by unidentified sources on social media websites on March 14th.

The office noted that access by no means was possible to their clients, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, Mr. Umar Xairi Kunar, Mr. Hamly Yildirm and Mr. Wesey Aktash, all held at the Imrali Island Prison.

In this relation, Armenian researcher and diplomat Hamo Moscovian told ANHA that '' the Turkish impertinence has become indescribable, it forbids both Ocalan's family and lawyers to visit him, more urgently after information that signify his health conditions are deteriorating.

''leader Ocalan was abducted in 1999 in an international orchestrated plot, to be handed over to Turkey with being prosecuted fairly'', he said.

''the CPT is not carrying it's duties to visit the Imrali Island, it ought to do that, especially after millions of Kurds are taking to the streets in Lebanon and all over the world protesting against the inhuman, unethical and criminal treatment by the Erdoganic Regime and his league of butchers and executioners'', he said. 

The Armenian diplomat called on all Armenians, Syriacs and all world human rights associations to call for Ocalan's release as well as calling on the CPT to head to the Imrali Island to verify the health conditions of Ocalan.

''victory is eventual and leader Ocalan will be released'', Moscovian concluded.
