Abdo:  All Syrian people are excluded, not just AA from drafting Syrian constitution

The member of the Presidential Body in SDC, Khalil Abdo has stressed that ongoing political process in Geneva is far from representing the Syrian people and serving them according to the interests of foreign agendas, trying to gain time before the Damascus government until elections are held is the reason for the failure of the work of the Constitutional Committee.

Abdo:  All Syrian people are excluded, not just AA from drafting Syrian constitution
2 February 2021   06:19

The 5th round finished from the talks of the Constitutional Committee, on Friday, January 29, without drafting the basic principles for what is the purpose in establishing the Constitutional Committee, is to define the mechanism of establishing new constitution for Syria, accordance with United Nations Resolution 2254, which mandates the formation of a transitional governing body, and the organization New elections.

During a press conference on the margin of 5th round, which lasted for 5 days, Geir O. Pederson said that" The work of the Constitutional Committee cannot continue in this way," describing the last 5th round as "disappointing" and noting the lack of a clear understanding of how to progress in the committee's work, with Its work continues as in previous rounds.

Kahlil Abdo, said that" The active regional states in the region have seized large-scale of the Syrian land and became to control in formulating the constitution according to their interests in the region, and are trying to implement the constitution of one language, one culture and absolute authority, which cannot be implemented in Syria due to the multiplicity of its components."

Added" the Syrian regime is seeking to continue its control on the power, and procrastination through obstruction the works of the Constitutional Committee and any political solution, it follows the exclusion policy, and not accepting the other. The regime hates pluralism and wants to rule alone and denies the existence of components that contribute to the development of this administration and has a one-party policy."

'There is an exclusion of Syria in general, not just the Autonomous Administration.'

He touched upon to the exclusion AA from any political solution in Syria, saying" With regard to the drafting of the constitution that began some time ago, there was an exclusion of Syria in general and not only the Autonomous Administration. This constitution did not start with Syrian people, and it is assumed that the constitution is drafted according to the requirements and needs of the people. In all regions, any constitution that does not implement the people's demands and is not based on it is considered an ineffective, vague and unreal constitution. "

He revealed that "the Syrian regime, by agreement with the Turkish state and Russia, tried to draft the constitution according to Astana, because the opposition no longer represents the Syrian people, and only represents itself and its agendas that work to serve it, as well as the regime that still follows the policy of a military solution."

And continued that" AA control on 3rd of Syrian lands, it has proven its ability to rule the areas, has strike force represented by the Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF, and we have 120,000 employees in AA's areas, but they always want to exclude this region, because we demand a democratic and decentralized constitution. This does not serve the authority, and there are interests between the Turks and the regime. "

halil Abdo denounced the role of regional states, especially Turkey, saying, "These countries have an interest in excluding the components of the Syrian constitution, especially the Kurds, and thwarting the Autonomous Administration project."

He stressed that these conferences are doomed to failure, because they are far from the Syrian people's will and represent foreign agendas, and if a third of the Syrian people are absent, then no proposal from any international conference can represent them.

The best solution, according to what Khalil Abdo pointed out, is "the rationality of this regime, and it must move away from the Turkish and Iranian regime, and it depends on the Syrian people and their participation in the administrations, and the formation of a decentralized, democratic constitution that is capable of achieving a unified, democratic and decentralized Syria far from foreign agendas."

The last round of talks in Geneva witnessed a complete absence of the media loyal to the Damascus government, and the delegation representing the government was keen to attend all the meetings held, indicating its involvement in the political process.

Also, during its attendance, it was discussing matters outside the committee's duties, such as the issue of sovereignty, terrorism and foreign occupations, in addition to focus on the Arabism of the country, in an attempt to waste time until the presidential elections scheduled for next April.

The head of the Syrian states, Bashar al-Assad, described the committee’s talks in Geneva earlier as a “political game”, and that it is not what most Syrians focus on, in his meeting with a Russian agency, on October 8, 2020.

The Syrian people, in Assad’s opinion, do not think about the constitution, and no one talks about it. The concerns of the Syrian people are related to the reforms that should be implemented, and the policies that need to be changed to ensure that the needs of the Syrian people are met.