Mercenaries and Syrian forces exchange shelling in Lattakia

Axes in rural Lattakia underwent mutual shelling between the Syrian Government Forces and mercenary groups affiliated to the Turkish Occupation Forces.

Mercenaries and Syrian forces exchange shelling in Lattakia
23 January 2021   06:38

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the SOHR, one mercenary was killed on Mount Turkomen in rural Lattakia, and that Syrian Government Forces carried out artillery shelling on Sarmaniye axis and areas adjacent to the al-Ghab Plain in north western rural Hama. . 

Syrian Government Forces stationed at rural Idlib shelled posts held by mercenary groups in Flefil and otherb areas in Jabal al-Zawiye, as information on human losses and material damages were unavailable up to date.

Today morning, a mutual rocket shelling on Jabal al-Zawiye in rural Idlib between Syrian Government Forces and the mercenary groups was monitored by the  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the SOHR,  as the village of Majdaliya in eastern rural Idlib was targeted by the Syrian Government Forces.
