Two US officials criticize Turkey's attack; violations of human rights in NE, Syria

Two US officials criticized the Turkish attack on northern and eastern Syria, and its mercenaries committing gross violations of human rights, and expressed their concern over the increasingly provocative Turkish behavior towards NATO and the region.

Two US officials criticize Turkey's attack; violations of human rights in NE, Syria
17 December 2020   06:58

"We are extremely concerned about the threat that Turkey's increasingly provocative behavior poses to our bilateral relationship, to NATO, and to the region," said Republican Majority Leader Michael McCall and House Foreign Relations Committee Chair Elliot Engel, on Wednesday, in a joint statement.

The two officials stressed the need to stop Ankara's destabilizing actions, and stressed the need for Washington to work with its European allies and partners and NATO to continue to use all available tools to demand Turkey to change its course, and the US officials urged Erdogan to put an end to the provocative behavior and adhere to the values ​​of NATO.

The two officials criticized the Turkish military operation in northeastern Syria, which threatens efforts to combat ISIS, and the perpetration of serious human rights violations by Ankara-backed groups in northern Syria, as well as Turkey's purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system, which undermines the defense work of NATO.

During their statement, the two American officials touched upon Erdogan fueling the flames of other global conflicts, as he sent Syrian mercenaries to Libya and Karabakh, and Turkey conducted a research survey on hydrocarbon resources in the disputed waters that Greece, a member of NATO, and Cyprus, the main partner across the ocean, claimed. NATO and the European Union member, as well as Erdogan openly hosting individuals listed by the United States on terrorism lists.

The statement also strongly criticized the internal Turkish situation, as it accused the Erdogan government of undermining democratic institutions by strengthening his authority, as well as undermining the independence of the judiciary, rights and freedoms.