HRO: Turkey exploits poor Syrians in Libya's fighting

Syrians for Truth and Justice Organization (STJ) accused on Monday Turkey of exploiting the extreme poverty of the Syrian people to send them to Tripoli to fight alongside the Accord Government where the Turkish authorities continue to support the Accord militias with mercenaries, recruit Syrian teenagers and send them to Libya.

HRO: Turkey exploits poor Syrians in Libya's fighting
11 May 2020   13:17
 News Desk

In a 55-page report, the Syrian human rights group said Ankara is "taking advantage of the miserable situation of Syrians" and recruiting them into a conflict that does not concern them, thousands of kilometers away from their country.

The report revealed that the Turkish public recruitment of Syrians is not limited to mercenaries of the factions, but also allows civilians and children to register and receive inducements that include a monthly salary of between $2,000 and $3,000 depending on the military competence.

Confirming the content of the report on the recruitment of children, SOHR revealed on Monday that the death toll among Syrian mercenaries belonging to Turkey in Libya rose to 279, including 13 children, following the recent clashes between the Libyan National Army and the Accord Government militias in Tripoli.

STJ, based on investigations and witness statements, documented what they called recruitment by registering the names of those wishing to go to Libya with Syrian mercenaries in the areas occupied by Turkey in northern Syria.

According to the report, the mercenaries of Sultan Murad, Al-Mu'atassim Brigade and Al-Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade are directly responsible for recruitment and transfers of mercenaries to Turkey through coordination with Turkish security companies before transferring them to Libya.

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