​​​​​​​Sheikh of al-Jabour clan" SNA mercenaries must be classified in terrorism lists

Sheikh of al-Jbour clan has demanded to classify the so-called "of the Syrian National Army" in the international terrorism lists, stressing who works with the Turkish occupation should be included in the international list of terrorism, "because only terrorism takes possession of the civilians' properties."

​​​​​​​Sheikh of al-Jabour clan" SNA mercenaries must be classified in terrorism lists
14 December 2019   05:15

The Turkish occupation continues its attacks on NE, Syria regions amid the displacement of more than 300,000 families, and has resulted in the death of 400 people. Where Autonomous Administration has opened shelters to accommodate these refugees in safe areas, as well as two camps al-Hasakah and the countryside of Ain Issa district.

The Turkish occupation works with its mercenaries, ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra, to sow discord among the components of the region in NE, Syria, by making a process of demographic change.

Shiekh of al-Jabour clan, Sheikh Hussein Muhammad Sultan, said in this context talked to Hawar news agency (ANHA), "We condemn and denounce the Turkish aggression on the lands of NE, Syria."

He added, "We are all components of Arabs, Kurds and Syriacs fighting in one trench, and we will not give up an inch of our lands that we liberated with the blood of our martyrs."

Al-Sultan stressed the necessity of joining forces between tribes to stand up to Turkish attacks, and continued, "To get one good result, we must join hands more, and preserve the rights of everyone."

He pointed out that the aim of the Turkish attack and its mercenaries, ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra is to sow discord between the tribes and annihilate the people in NE, Syria.

Sheikh of al- Jabour , Hussein Muhammad Sultan, demanded to classify mercenaries of the "Syrian National Army" in the international list of terrorism, and he continued by saying "Whoever works with the Turkish occupation state must be included in the international list of terrorism, because only terrorism is taking over civilians' properties, which is what we see in Afrin, Serêkaniyê

and GIRÊ SPî."
