Masoud Mohamed: Syrians' incompatibility with each other is in foes' interest

Member of the Union of Intellectuals in Kobani canton, Masoud Mohamed, said that the failure of the Syrian regime and the Autonomous Administration to reach a solution is in the interest of countries that are hostile to the Syrian people, stressing the need for Syrians to agree on differences to end the crisis in the country and expel mercenaries.

Masoud Mohamed: Syrians' incompatibility with each other is in foes' interest
14 December 2019   05:35

Masoud Muhammad's statement came to Hawar news agency (ANHA) that the Autonomous Administration in North and East of Syria has not reached a consensus with the Syrian regime, and its implications for the Syrian situation in general.

Political researcher Masoud Mohammed and a member of the Union of Intellectuals said: "The Syrians' failure to reach a solution or a consensus among them is to serve the enemies countries that do not want the good of the Syrians, who are now working to annex parts of Syria's lands and use them as a safe haven for mercenary gangs."

"The Syrian Democratic Forces, which includes fighters of all components in the regions of northern Syria, have in turn liberated several areas at a time when the Syrian state was unable to do anything about the population that was living in the swamp of ISIS mercenaries, where SDF provided thousands of martyrs."

He stressed that "AA has proven that it is able to protect and lead society in the Syrian north, as it presented itself in the context of peoples' fraternity 's project and not as a Kurdish party, but some parties fear the nation's democratic policy, because they want to be at their criminal level."

On the Syrian regime’s position on AA and the new situation on the Syrian soil after more than 8 years of conflict, Masoud Mohamed said that “the racist Syrian state policy has not changed.”

He added, "They want the Kurds to be second-class citizens through their participation in a local administration, and this is not logical compared to the great of the sacrifices they made for Syria."

The political researcher and member of the Union of Intellectuals in the Kobani canton Masoud Mohamed, said that "the solution for the Syrians lies in the compatibility between the AA and the Syrian government, and their participation in drafting the new constitution through which all the requirements of the Syrian people can be achieved."

At the end of his speech, he stressed the need for the population in northern Syria to have decentralized autonomous administration, "that is, the regime must abandon its repressive policy towards the Kurds in the region to restore new life to the Syrians who have become war victims and displaced persons in countries, all because of the interference of external hands, on the Syrian issue. "
