Turkey-backed mercenaries kidnap a young girl in Afrin

The Turkish occupation’s mercenaries, in a series of violations and crimes they commit in Afrin, they have kidnapped a 16-year-old Kurdish girl from her family's lap during a raid on her parents' house and took her to an unknown destination.

Turkey-backed mercenaries kidnap a young girl in Afrin
27 September 2019   14:37

According to the network "Afrin Activists Network" that the mercenaries of the so-called "Jabha Shamiya " accompanied by the so-called military police of the Turkish occupation raided the house of the citizen "Abdullah Mohammed Ali" on Thursday, 26/9/2019 located in the village of "Maerska" They also kidnapped Sarah's 16-year-old daughter of Abdullah Mohammed Ali, and took her to an unknown destination.