SDF's progress continues to free al-Bagouz

A number of the Syrian Democratic Forces' (SDF) fighters who are engaged in the recent clashes to eliminate the remnants of IS in al-Bagouz said that the mercenaries used suicide bombers and car bombs to stop the continued advance of SDF, stressing their continuation in the battle to defeat terrorism.

SDF's progress continues to free al-Bagouz
12 February 2019   14:11


The last phase of the battle to defeat terrorism that was launched by SDF to eliminate the remnants of IS mercenaries in the village of al-Bagouz east of Hajin town in Deir ez-Zor countryside continues.

The fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces who are on the front lines of the fighting fronts said that the remnants of IS mercenaries had been besieged in an area of only 1 Km2 in al-Bagouz village.

The SDF fighters added that IS resorted to use suicide bombers and booby-trapped vehicles to attack the concentration points of SDF troops in an effort to stop the continued progress to free more sites.

While ANHA correspondent pointed out that the clashes continue with all their strength in the light of the achievement of more victories by SDF.