Syrian Revolutionary Youth launched march condemning conspiracy against Ocalan

Under the slogan "To Break Isolation and Fascism and To Liberate the Leader, Revolt," hundreds of members of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement denounced the international conspiracy on the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan during a march launched in Jalabiya district in Kobanî canton.

Syrian Revolutionary Youth launched march condemning conspiracy against Ocalan
12 February 2019   15:45


The Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement launched a massive march to denounce the international conspiracy on the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan on Tuesday in Jalabiya district in Kobanî canton. Moreover, hundreds of the youths of north and east Syria participated in the march that will last for three days.

The participants held the pictures of the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan, the flags of the Syrian Revolutionary Youths Movement and Kongra Star in addition to banners with "The march heading towards freedom."

The participants gathered in front of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Center in Jalabiya district, southeast of Kobanî city, and it is 60 km away from the city. Then, the march launched towards Aleblur village 10 km west of Kobanî city in which the leader Abdullah Ocalan has stayed for a period.

The march launched amid chanting the slogans that condemn the international conspiracy on Ocalan, heading towards Tashlok district, Tel Hajeb reaching to Aleblor village.

Hawar news agency interviewed some of the participants in the march, and they confirmed that they will resist the Turkish occupation to release the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan, and called for all the concerned parties and Human Rights' organizations to release Ocalan from Imrali prison.

In her turn, the young woman Jawaher Mostafa condemned the international conspiracy on the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan and called for the concerned parties to work on releasing Ocalan from Imrali prison, adding that they, as north and east Syria's youths, will continue struggling till the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan is liberated.